
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Artichokes arrived

The artichokes arrived yesterday not looking very happy. I have been trying to grow artichokes for the past two years with no success. The first year I started them inside from seed. They germinated, looked good for awhile and then died. Last year, I purchased plants. I don't think I planted them in their containers (very large containers) soon enough. They did not get very big, did not produce and then I killed them over the winter!

My new husband (the cook) is Italian and really really wants some fresh artichokes!!

I called "The Tasteful Garden" from whom I purchased the plants. We decided to give them 5-7 days to see how they do. They will send me more if I am not happy with their progress. They have really great plants and are wonderful to do business with. I used to purchase plants from them before I started everything from seed.

I also purchased 2 Cherokee Purple tomato plants from them. I have purchased Cherokee Purple seeds from two different suppliers in the past few years. None of the Cherokee Purples that I have germinated taste nearly as good as the ones I have purchased from The Tasteful Garden. I decided to purchase just two plants from them and save some seeds for next year.

The tomato plants look great. They are a little curvey from being shipped. But will straighten out just fine.


  1. I have never grown, nor eaten an artichoke! I guess I need to marry an Italian cook ;-)

    I'm growing Cherokee Purple for the first time this year. I hope it's as good as I've heard. I was only going to put in one plant, but already I'm wondering where I might place a second one.

    Your grandson is adorable.

  2. Granny, thanks for the compliment about my little garden helper. He can be a handful! I have him all day until my son comes home from work. They say little ones will keep you young!!

    You will absolutely love the Cherokee Purple tomatoes!! They are my favorite eating tomato!

  3. Robin, I saw you over at Thomas' and wanted to stop by and say hello. I like your blog and especially all the veggies you are planting. ;)

    Have a great weekend.

    P.S. PA, great country; I have a sister, niece, nephew, gneice... who live there.


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