
Monday, May 3, 2010

Harvest Monday

There wasn't much to harvest this past week. I am holding out on my last two heads of overwintered romaine lettuce. They will be the last fresh lettuce for a while. My helper and I did harvest enough dandelions for another batch of dandelion jelly...just in time before they went to seed.

We are harvesting and using fresh herbs from the herb garden: chives, oregano, sage and bay leaf. (the bay leaf tree is still inside) "The Italian" uses the canned and frozen vegetables I put up last year on a daily basis as well.

My little helper harvested the first poppy of the season!


  1. Robin, I love that little helper of yours. ;) Wish I had mine closer.

    Your garden is looking good, and how delightful to have provided your in-laws with the tomatoes and cages. I can't wait to see some of the product from the Italian seeds! We planted S Marzano 'Gigante' this year.

    Have a wonderful week.

  2. Thanks Diane...he is right next door!

    The garden is coming along quite well. I just wish the weather would stabilize!

  3. What a sweet helper! Lucky you!

    Your garden will soon be grown and productive again. Enjoy your last romaine!

  4. Your little helper is adorable!

    I wish I had more chives to harvest. Instead I have to settle for sore bought one.

  5. So cute. So what does dandelion jelly taste like and how does one make it? I'd never heard of it before.

  6. Thanks for all of the "Gardening Helper" comments. He is a handful at times!

    Daphne, The dandelion jelly is very good. It has lemon and vanilla bean in it. I have the recipe posted in an earlier post. Give it a try....I like it on cheese!

  7. Dandelion jelly sounds very interesting, I'll have to go check your archives . . .

    I love various jams and jellies with cheese, pepper jam and spicy meyer lemon marmalade are a couple of my favorites.

  8. Michelle, We also love various jams and jellies. I made 12 varieties this past year, including pumpkin, red & green tomato & dutch apple pie. We usually serve them as appetizers with different varieties of cheese and toasted bread.

    I will post the recipes as the season moves forward.

  9. What a cutie and funnily enough I just posted on dandelions, including making jam though I've never done this and stuck in a couple pictures of my little one. Go dandelions go.


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