
Saturday, May 15, 2010

What the...

Yes, we had a whopper of a thunderstorm yesterday! We were sitting on the covered porch with my little helper during the storm and then it began to hail.

The largest pieces of hail were a little bigger then a dime.

There was some minor damage to a couple of the broccoli plants.

Only one eggplant was damaged.

All in all, the damage was not that bad and everything will survive! Last year we had two really severe hail storms which caused a lot of damage.

My little helper had a blast playing in the water and stones after the storm. He just got up from his nap so we let him play in his diaper and bare feet!


  1. This has to be the weirdest weather ever! We got to open our windows and doors yesterday, finally. But now we're expecting another cold spell. At least we're not expecting our night temps to get back to freezing, but from 86 down to 69 (day) and from 57 down to 43 (night). That's quite a temperature fluctuation :-(

  2. I had hail damage on the broccoli, cabbage, and collards last year, and thankfully it was just a cosmetic issue. Your little helper seems to be having a ball out there!

  3. Granny, This is the worst spring ever!! We have had the same type of weather here. The weather is now supposed to stabalize. I hope so, we are going away in a few days...hey, the next time I have a martini too many the night before..please proof read my post for me!! :)

    EG, yes...he had a ball!! So did NaNa & PaPa!

  4. We had hail on Friday also. I haven’t seen any damage so far.
    Plants will not suffer much from this hail. If these was actually some fruit growing, then hail damage could be worse.


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