
Monday, June 14, 2010

Bug Identification....Please...Good or BAD??

I found these bugs on one leaf of one of my tomato plants this morning. I have no idea what they are and if they are good or bad bugs. I'm not real good in the bug department.


  1. I don’t know, but it looks like they are sucking on those leaves. And that is not a good thing.

  2. Aphids. Blast them with a water hose, or use an insecticidal soap spray on them. (bad bug)

  3. Thanks EG.....I only found them on the one stem of one plant. I already disposed of the stem. I am on my way out to inspect further!! Thanks again.

  4. They look like parasitized aphids. I had them, the aphids themselves are bad, but once you see them brownish/whitish and mummified looking they are parasitized by a beneficial so you might want to leave them alone. (The mummified ones, that is!)

  5. go to my post below and see if the pics at the bottom look like what you are seeing!

  6. Erin, I looked at your photos. No, the bugs that I saw were moving. I don't believe that any of them were mumified. I thoroughly inspected the garden and didn't find any more.

  7. Um... aphids on your tomatoes. In my garden aphids seem to leave the tomatoes alone, maybe my aphids are a different kind than yours... It was my understanding that tomatoes have something in them that repels aphids, but now that I see your photo I wonder...

  8. Angela, Onions are suppose to deter aphids as well. There are a few onions planted right in front of the tomato that had them on it. I'm sure I will go buggy now looking for bugs!!

  9. Yup...aphids...bad. I had black ones on my Fava beans and they were dispatched easily with the insecticidal soap spray.

    You might want to spray your plants with aspirin water too to help them bounce back.

  10. Thanks Thomas for the link to that article. I think that I will try the spray.


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