
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In-Laws Balcony Garden Update

Sunday afternoon we went over to my in-laws for a family picnic. The first thing I did was go upstairs to check on the plants. I couldn't believe how well they are doing. Two of the four tomato plants have grown over the top of the cages already!
3 of 4 tomato plants

He has one pepper already! These plants look better then mine. I think that he has a perfect combination of sun and shade up there.....or, maybe it was the person who propagated the plants :)

This is the swc container that my sister-in-law bought him for his birthday. He planted some eggplant that he purchased in that container. They are also doing amazing.

These are the 3 cucumber plants that I started for him. I did threaten to take them back....and give him seeds. I just direct sowed my cucumbers two days ago. I guess I will have to swallow my pride and come to terms with the fact that he will have peppers and cucumbers before me :)


  1. Everything is growing great. I can’t believe that there is a pepper in that plant already!
    My cucumbers just don’t want to grow, I’m not sure if I will have any cucumbers to harvest this year. These cucumber seedlings look lovely.

  2. A pepper already! Wish I was so lucky :-) No cat name yet by the way. My mom has been calling her Charlie though, not sure if it will stick yet.

  3. MojVrt, I can't belive he has a pepper either. Don't worry about your cucumbers. If your new seeds don't germinate, maybe you should buy another batch of seeds.

    Dan, Me too! I think Charlie is a cute name. I have a cat named Miss's a long story


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