
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Little Garden Helper's Beans

Last week after the garlic was harvested and compost was added to the bed. My "Little Garden Helper" planted the dry beans. This is the first time that he actually planted the seeds. He planted some Great Northern and Jacob's Cattle on Friday. This is what we found today!

I think that he will be a Master Gardener by the age of 5


  1. Nice seedling! It's great to have helpers isn't it.

  2. It's so nice when the seeds germinate fast! I wish I had someone to show me the ways of gardening when I was five years old. Heck, I would even take fifteen or twenty-five! But no, I gotta figure it out all by myself now. Thank goodness for fellow garden bloggers. :)

  3. meemsnyc & thyme2garden, my grandson is really a big help..and he is only 2 years old!

  4. Robin, welcome to the wonderful world of grandmothers who take advantage of child labor! My helper turned 12 this year, and he's been noticeably absent from my garden. I think he's outgrown me :-(

  5. Nice seedling. I hope I will get my dry beans to germinate soon.

  6. Granny, It's amazing to see how much he takes in at his age! He walks around and inspects every plant in the garden, pulls weeds (sometimes things that aren't weeds), puts everything in the compost and of course checks his cherry tomato plant every hour or so for ripe tomatoes! We have yet to taste one cherry tomato.

    I'm sure your helper will show up when he is hungry for his favorite item from your garden. Don't worry, one can never outgrow their grandmother :)

    MojVrt, I'm sure your beans will germinate soon.

  7. Sweet little seedling! My children, especially my daughter, help me in the garden. My father taught's one of the best gifts you can give!

  8. It doesn't get any better than help from the little ones.


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