
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Peas & Pests Post

Yes, I am marveled by the Little Marvel English peas! I picked my first peas yesterday.

I wonder how much I will get from 8 oz?

Well, I think that I have the pill bugs under control. I never had the chance to put beer in the garden the other night due to the rain. I think that the diatomaceous earth worked. I guess it just takes a couple of days. I haven't seen any bugs in that bed for two days now.


  1. Nice peas! I've never tried DE, but hear great things from it.

  2. I grew Little Marvel this year, too (mine are just now in full bloom). Those were always my peas of choice in past years, but I haven't grown them since 2000! I always grew them in a wide row, with no staking, but this year the vines are over 3' high and I had to go out and put in some jute twine for them to cling to. Did yours get that tall?

  3. I am happy that you solved your bug problem. I always panic when I see some bugs in the garden, but then is turns out that it wasn’t such a big problem.
    This is one beautiful pea harvest. I’m hoping that next weekend I will have my first pea harvest.

  4. EG, I just started using DE this year. I purchased the food grade type. I also put it in the cats wet food. It is supposed help with fleas, worms etc and it is also supposed to be good for them. They say it is also good for humans. I haven't taken any yet...have been planning to though.

    Granny, I really like the Little Marvels too. Yes, mine are about 3 feet tall.

    MojVrt, Thanks. I hope that you get to enjoy some nice peas next weekend. They are so delicious :)

  5. Robin, your garden looks wonderful!

    I spread diatomaceous earth around my vegetable beds last week, but as soon as it stops raining/pouring, I will add it to the beds. Pill bugs, baby slugs and who knows what else, are driving me crazy!!!!! My Black Seeded Simpson looks like buck shot was taken to it; interesting that the red "merlot" lettuce is in tact.

    Our snow peas have just blossomed, so it will be a while before we have the harvest that you are enjoying. Hope you are having a splendid week.

  6. Thanks Di, The DE seems to be working. Yesterday I did see a couple of pill bugs in that bed....but not the hundreds of them that were there before.

    My snow peas seem to be tinkering out already. I have only harvested a handful in the past two days. I now have plenty of english peas to harvest though.

  7. I sowed my shell peas very late this year...I think it will be at least a week or two before I have any to harvest.


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