
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Talk about potato failures

Potaotes have always been the easiest crop for me to grow. You put them in them ground, mulch with straw a few times and you have lots of fresh potatoes! Not this year! As a lot of you know, I didn't have the bed available to plant the potatoes in this, I made bags to plant them in. Then the voles, we moved what was left. They seemed OK, not great. Yesterday I noticed one plant was drooping. I reached in and it was broken. I had no other choice then to dig down and see if there was anything below. Here's what I got.

3 oz. of red potatoes...that equals 4 bites...since I shared them with "The Italian" for dinner last night.

Hopefully, the remaining plants will do much better. I'm keeping a close eye on them. We don't eat a lot of potatoes and I really dislike store boughten potatoes...but, this is ridiculous!  Next year, they are going back in the ground! I have already laid out a place for another bed in my son's yard.


  1. Ohmigosh! Sorry to hear about your potatoes - I will be checking mine soon, keeping my fingers crossed!

  2. That's too bad....Irish potatoes just don't work for me at all - whether in the ground or not.

  3. Oh, so sorry your potatoes are not as prolific this year. I hope the others do much better for you.

  4. Thanks everyone....we will see how the rest of the plants do.

  5. Too bad about your potatoes. I hope other plants will be ok.
    Good thing you can build another bed.

  6. Shucks, sorry to hear about your little harvest of potatos. We had to pull 2 plants early because of signs of blight. Hope all the others do better!

  7. MojVrt, I am keeping a close eye on them. Just in case the those darn voles get in them again. We are going to build one more bed in my son's yard next to us. We will do it at the end of the summer.

    meemsnyc, I certainly hope it wasn't blight.....better safe then sorry

  8. I am sorry to read about your potatoes. From your story it is clear that they need to go back in the ground.

    Thanks for the warning, though. I was thinking about making bags like yours for my potatoes, but we have a lot of voles around here! I better not...

  9. we grew early potatoes in bags and got enough for about six helpings but by the time we decided to grow some in bags we were stuck with what was left at the garden centre - next year we'll choose early. Plenty more in the ground though.

  10. Green Lane, I agree..I will never grow them in containers again. Too many problems

  11. Yeah, I've become a skeptic myself. We shall see how the potted potatoes do much later in the season. They are taking much longer than the potatoes grown directly in the ground.


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