
Monday, July 5, 2010

Harvest Monday & Happy 4th of July

We hope that everyone had a Happy, Healthy & Safe 4th of July. We had a small picnic at my in-laws in the afternoon. The heat was so oppressive that we had to eat inside!!  Then we came home and watched the fireworks from the comfort of our back porch. My "Little Helper" really enjoyed them. I was amazed that he wasn't afraid....he wanted more!

It looks like we are at a turning point in the garden right now. The harvest this week was light.... it did put me over 50 though! I pulled the carrots and will be planting some more as soon as the heat wave is over. Also harvested: the balance of "Little Marvel" peas, some scallions, a lone potato, the last head of cauliflower and two more small CP and a large Tiffen Mennonite, weighing 10 oz.

These are the nicest carrots I have grown to date.
We ate a few of them with the peas and a nice steak on Thursday.

Tiffen Mennonite
This tomato is a beautiful rose color. The picture makes it  look a little more red then it actually is.

Harvest Total: 3.25 Lbs.

Carrots - 15 oz.
Cauliflower - 12 oz.
English Peas - 6 oz.
Potatoes - 2 oz.
Scallions - 3 oz.
Tomatoes - 14 oz.

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions, the host of Harvest Monday to see more harvests


  1. Your carrots are beautiful. Mine don’t look as pretty.

  2. Very nice carrots! I can't seem to do well with mine, will keep on trying though!

  3. Those carrots are gorgeous! I had about 25% germination of my spring planting of carrots, sigh.

  4. I'm jealous. You have tomatoes and you live north of me. What's your secret?

  5. MojVrt, Erin & Ali, This is the first time ever...that I have had nice carrots!

    Marcia, Four of my plants were put in the ground on April 9...we had a portable greenhouse over that bed. The balance of the plants were planted on April 30 in Kozy Koats.

  6. 50 pounds is impressive! I envy your carrots. Mine are taking their sweet time growing. I never seem to have much luck with carrots.

  7. Those are beautiful carrots! My carrots are taking their sweet time, I don't think they've size up yet, I'll have to check sometime this week.

  8. Those carrots are real beauties and that tomato looks delicious. My carrots are later than normal this year because I had such poor germination on my first planting (which I gave up on and seeded with something else in that spot) and then the later plantings have been dealing with a cooler than normal summer here. So, I have a while before carrots will be ready for harvest but I will satisfy myself with admiring yours for now!

  9. That's a beautiful tomato, and some lovely carrots!

  10. GrafixMuse, This is the first year that I have weighed my harvests. I am surprised at how much has been harvested.

    Mac, I didn't think that these were ready until I started pulling them.

    kitsapFG, Thanks for admiring my carrots

    Thanks Villager

  11. Great looking carrots! And the tomato looks like nice sized one. I'm getting sick and tired of waiting for ours to ripen. :(

    The heat has been oppressive here as well. Hopefully the tomatoes and melons love it.

  12. Your harvest looks great! I wish my carrots looked so beautiful! I can't believe all your beans were eaten - that's so discouraging. It's amazing what can happen in a garden overnight!

  13. lovely harvest! Those carrots look fabulous.

  14. Beautiful carrots. I think this will be the first year without them in a couple of years. I keep thinking that I ought to put some fall carrots in somewhere, but there isn't much space.

  15. Your carrots look scrumptious. Are they as good as they look? It's been almost two months since I sowed my carrot seeds, and I still only have about 4 inches of green tops. Does that sound really slow to you? Hmm. And your one tomato weighs more than what I can harvest in a week from my garden so far. :)


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