
Monday, July 19, 2010

Harvest Monday

Well, we are home. I didn't think we would be home until later today or tomorrow morning. The garden has grown so much in the past 8 days. I did mange to pick some tomatoes and an eggplant this morning. There are a lot of other veggies to harvest. However, I will do that later today. It was quite a week for tomatoes. 28.75 lbs harvested!!!

A sampling of this weeks harvest

Harvest Total: 30.25 lbs.

Herbs: 4 oz.
Cucumber: 5 oz.
Eggplannt: 8 poz.
Onions: 6 oz.
Tomatoes: 28.75 lbs.

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions, the host of Harvest Monday, to see more harvests!


  1. Just look at all of those tomatoes! I stand out in my garden each evening, telling mine "turn red, turn red", but they aren't listening!

  2. That is a lot of tomatoes! I can’t wait until my harvests start to look like that. But that will be in a few weeks.
    Welcome back from your holiday, hope you had a nice time.

  3. Dadgum! That's a bunch of tomatoes! Mine don't come in all together like that - but wished they would...

  4. Oh boy, almost 29 pounds of tomatoes!

    Hope you had a great vacation.

  5. You make me wonder how many lbs of tomatoes I have collected. Every day I get a 8" bowl of cherry tomatoes and a bowl of the other tomatoes. They look beautiful.
    Canning in the near future?

  6. Wow! 28.75 pounds! Your counters must be flooded, in a good way of course. Can't wait to hear what you do with all of the tomatoes :)

  7. Great harvest, lots of tomatoes when the temp heat up.
    Hope you had a wonderful vacation.

  8. Oh my those look good! What a nice harvest to have waiting for your return.

  9. That's a nice variety of tomatoes too.

  10. This is a lot of tomatoes, good for you! And I love that lone eggplant on top of the tomato pile:-)

  11. Granny, I'm sure your tomatoes will hear you soon!

    MojVrt, It's nice to be back home. Your tomato harvests will be large before you know it.

    EG, Once my tomatoes seems like I have a large bowl almost every day!

    Thanks Michelle

    johanna, There was about 12 pounds of tomatoes in the picture and yes, I started canning today.

    Nartaya, The center island in the kitchen is quite full. I can a lot of tomatoes whole, make catsup & salsa to can as well. Sometimes, "The Italian" will make sauce and I will can that as well.

    Mac, There will be an endless harvest of tomatoes for a while.

    Laura, Those heirlooms are just yummy!!

    Cheryl, I planted 14 different varieties of tomatoes this year

    Angela, That was the first eggplant of the season.

  12. That picture looks so good there is no need for words. Yummy, yum, yum. I especially love the eggplant but then I may like eggplants just a bit more than tomatoes if only in that my husband cooks my favourite meal with them.

  13. I love the way the eggplant looks amongst all those red tomatoes! :0) I'm not sure which I like better from the garden - eggplants (I really like the long skinny ones) or tomatoes.

  14. Thanks OG, They are some yummy tomatoes. We haven't tasted the eggplant yet. This is the first year that I planted that variety.

    mamraby, I like the skinny eggplants the best also. I planted a few of that variety too. However, they have not set fruit yet.

  15. Holy tomatoes! That's a fantastic tomato harvest in one week. Do you happen to know how long after they first turn from green to pink/red that they are ready to be harvested?

  16. All those tomatoes, amazing!

  17. Minji, You can pick your tomatoes when they are completely ripe or sooner. I picked a few before we went away that were only half ripe. They will ripen completely inside in a day or two.

    Dan & meemsnyc, Thanks...they are coming in like crazy!!

  18. Nice harvest of tomatoes. How many plants do you have?

  19. Thanks Deb, I have a total of 19 plants. I am presently harvested fruit from 10 of the plants. I should be harvesting from 16 of them by weeks end. It may be a while for the other 3 plants, since they were germinated much later.

  20. What varieties do you have planted that give you such a large harvest?

  21. Deb, I have all of the varieties listed in a post on April 30. All of my tomatoes are heirlooms. The tomato beds have a lot of good organic matter and sun most of the day. I believe that the later is why I have bountiful harvests.

  22. Thanks, Robin, I will check out that post.

  23. Look at all of those tomatoes! I'm ready for the glut!


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