
Sunday, August 8, 2010

2nd Anniversary of....

our Marriage!! Although we are grandparents, "The Italian" and I were married two years ago tomorrow! I didn't want to interfere with "Harvest Monday" so, I posted this a day early.

We met seven years ago, a little over one year after my dear daughter passed. I feel that my dear husband "The Italian" really saved my life. He is the most wonderful man in the world! We were together for nearly five years, lived together a few months before the wedding (due to selling a house), engaged for one day (I didn't want to get engaged...but "The Italian" insisted) and then married.

We married in the community "Rose Garden" which is a few blocks from our home in the early morning. Later in the day, we had our marriage celebration with friends and family here at the house. We entertained about 60 guests. "The Italian" and I made all of the food. The food was "gourmet" to say the least. I'm sure that it would have been $200. a person at one of those fancy facilities. We did hire a bartender and waiters to serve the food though.

I hope that you enjoy the pictures.

Our Favorite Picture
Now you know what we look like!
Our flowers were made with herbs & hydrangeas from the garden 5 minutes before we left for the Rose Garden

A nice view of the ceremony

My dear friend cut and arranged flowers for the tables

The Bar, which was in my son's yard
You can see the onions hanging on our porch in the background

A view between our houses...awaiting the arrival of our guests.

Some food prep in the kitchen.

My dear husband "The Italian" cooking in the back garden.

Yum, the Dessert table!

The next morning.....the chocolate fountain was still running!


  1. It looks delightfully beautiful. Congratulations to both of you. Despite not wanting to interfere with Harvest monday, an anniversary is a kind of harvest. So many more harvest mondays for both marriage and food.

  2. Happy anniversary! What a lucky couple...he got a beautiful gardener, and you got a handsome cook. Sounds like a marriage made in heaven :-)

  3. Robin, Happy Anniversary to you both, and thank you for sharing the pictures from your beautiful wedding! I love that you prepared all the food yourselves and entertained at home - it looks so inviting and intimate. You and The Italian look so happy and perfect together. Enjoy your anniversary week!

  4. Happy Anniversary to you and The Italian and I wish you many, many more!
    I see from the pictures that it was a great wedding party and a beautiful place for a ceremony.
    You both look so young for grandparents.

  5. Happy Anniversary! Great photos, thanks for sharing them.

  6. Thanks johanna, it was a beautiful August day...and it wasn't very hot!

    Granny, I thank my "Angel" every day for bringing me my handsome, hot Italian.

    thyme2, We pulled the whole event together in about 1 month! We had such a busy year that year, the grandbaby was born, his daughter graduated from high school, his father turned 80, his house sold and he was building two in Florida and one in DC!

    MojVrt, Thanks for the wishes and compliments...we are both in our early 50's! I think it was the joy of the event that made us look so young!

    Erin, I am happy that you enjoyed the photos. We always enjoy looking at your photos!!

  7. Happy Anniversary! I am so impressed that you all made all the food! How impressive! I love that in that one photo you could see the onions hanging to get dried. Awesome!

  8. Happy Anniversary! Best wishes for many many more happy and healthy years together.

  9. meemsnyc, Thanks, we really enjoy cooking and, that's what we did!

    Thanks Ali

  10. Congratulations, what a gorgeous couple! Let's raise our glass for many happy years together for you both!

  11. This looked like a lot of fun with some good food. Absolutely gorgeous place to get married....I've been thinking about the same thing...outdoor wedding....for down the road. I'm looking into Macanak Island off of Michigan.....seriously, it's a great way to get married and have your reception.


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