
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Green Tomato Jam

I did it! I managed to get the Green Tomato Jam made before we left. The Red Tomato Jam will have to wait until we get home. "The Italian" has been very happy eating tomato sandwiches this week for lunch. So, there weren't enough to make a batch. Hopefully, the green tomatoes will ripen inside while we are away and the House Sitter won't eat all of them.

The jam is such a pretty green when it first starts to cook.

The finished product cooling.
I wish that the jam would stay bright green.
This recipe can be found at


  1. Oh, how pretty! Did you try it yet? I'm looking for more green tomato recipes, and I haven't seen any jams yet. Will look this one up for a possible batch this week. Hope it tastes as good as it looks.

  2. Dirt Lover, I make this jam every year. It is very good. We like to serve jams & jellies with brie or cheeses for appetizers. It's always a hit. I made dandelion jelly earlier this year. When I get back, I will do a post with all the different jams & jellies that I make. Save your pumpkins!

  3. Hey, you say to save my pumpkins?? Does that mean you have tried pumpkin butter??? I have a recipe for pumpkin butter, that I have no idea where I got. I've never had too much pumpkin to try it out with. Ohhh, now I am very curious!! Maybe tonight I will try your green tomato jam recipe. Or maybe pepper jelly. I think I'll dig out that pumpkin recipe and look at it again. You know something funny? We don't really eat much jam, jelly, or butter! I really like making it, though.

  4. If, and it's a big IF, I try tomatoes again, I'll save the recipe, because they're bound to get blight and I'll need to rip them up before they ripen. Plus, I have so much green tomato chutney from this year's disaster!!!

  5. Lori, I made a wonderful pumpkin jam last year. I will post the recipe when we get home. It's great with cheese and crackers for an appetizer!

    IG, The Green Tomato Jam is great. I'm sure that you will plant tomatoes again next year.

  6. Wow that green tomato jam looks amazing!!

  7. I will be trying your recipe this weekend…my mouth is watering already. Very kind of you to share it!


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