
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Harvest Monday....Firsts & Lasts

Well, this weeks harvest had a very nice first. I harvested the first leeks from the Spring planting. Although the picture doesn't show how big they are. They are the biggest I have ever grown! I did trim them a little more once I brought them per "The Italian's" request. They weighed in after trimming at 1 lb. 12 oz. There are still at least 10 more smaller leeks in the garden that we will enjoy them during the winter.

Look at those Leeks!
They will be made into potato and leek soup.

This is the last of the tomatoes and some peppers.
The last tomato harvest weighed in at 3 1/2 lbs.
The "Matt's Wild Cherry" and "Amish Paste" plants had to be pulled earlier in the week due to a massive aphid infestation. Although I wanted to bring in a couple hundred more of the sweet cherries to enjoy, I couldn't risk it and threw them in the trash :( We are going to miss our fresh red tomatoes.

Here's the last of the bell peppers.
Last of the Bells 4 lbs. 2 oz.
They were predicting two nights of frost in a row. So, I decided to pull the plants and bring the remaining peppers in. They are quite small and did not get to turn their designated colors. I froze some of them and gave the rest to my sister in-law for her to freeze.

The last of the hot peppers were also harvested weighing in at 1 lb 10 oz.

Harvest Total - 11 lbs

Leeks - 1 lb. 12 oz.
     Bell - 4 lbs. 2 oz.
     Hot - 1 lb. 10 oz.
Tomatoes - 3 lbs. 8 oz.

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions the host of "Harvest Monday" to see more Fall Harvests!


  1. That is lot of harvest. Your leek grow much faster than ours. We only have a few that is the same size as yours.

  2. The leeks look fabulous! I skipped growing them again in 2010 and regret it now that it is time for comforting leek and potato soups!

  3. Wonderful leeks. Glad you got the lasts of the tomatoes and peppers before frost.

  4. Great looking leeks! That's one thing I've never really grown well. We'll miss fresh tomatoes here too. Nice haul of peppers!

  5. The leeks do look large! The soup sounds wonderfulI'm SO in the mood for soup but the darn weather wont turn for us here. Hubby wont eat soup until it cools down.

  6. Those are really good looking leeks! That's something I keep meaning to try but never get around to, you're inspiring me to give it a go.

  7. Nice leeks Robin! I think I'll make a pot of soup with mine as well.

    Our first frosts have come and gone. You were probably right to pull up your plants. My remaining tomato plants look absolutely dreadful right now.

  8. It all looks fab but especially good looking are of course your leeks, very impressive.


  9. Thanks everyone for your comments! I really appreciate them. I've had a busy day and have to finish some canning tonight. I have a long and very early day tomorrow working for election day at a polling location.

  10. Wow, 11 lbs this week, that's amazing! The leeks look wonderful, as do the tomatoes and peppers.

    I'm also loving your new wallpaper (is that what you call it, the background?) design!

  11. Your leeks look wonderful. I have never grown them but do love potato leek soup. Glad you were able to save what was left in the garden before frost.

  12. Robin, those leeks are amazing. I just love potato leek soup. Can I come for dinner?

  13. Those leeks look really nice. I wish I had leeks this fall, but not this year. Next year I'll have enough space to grow anything I want - well as long as I remember to plant it.

  14. Great harvest!
    Especially your leeks are fantastic!
    Long leeks are very popular in Japan and we enjoy boiled leek with beef and other vegetables..that's a "SUKIYAKI"!

  15. thyme2, Wait until you see how small my harvest is next week! I'm glad that you like my new wallpaper, I guess that's what you call it. I thought it was time for a change.

  16. Did you grow your leeks from seed? If so, how long from seed planting to harvest? If planted as sprouts, again, how long from planting to harvest? My leeks don't appear to be growing, as they have been the diameter of a pen refill for several weeks. Yours look great!

  17. VeggiePAK, I think that I started my leeks inside in March. My garden journal is on the other computer and my husband is working on, I can't look it up. Last year, I planted some late in the season in the ground and I harvested them the next year. They will do fine under snow. The leeks that I overwintered did not get as big as these though.


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