
Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Although I did not have enough cabbage in the garden to make sauerkraut from this year, this German did manage to make it anyway! On Sunday, I found some HUGE local grown cabbage heads for $2. each at the flea market! I bought three and did a lot of chopping.....TaDa....sauerkraut in the making!

The cabbage is sliced, salted, covered with cheese cloth and weighted down with plate and a bowl. It will now spend several weeks in the basement fermenting until it is ready to be canned. It's really kind of gross when it is fermenting...but, worth it in the end!


  1. I made it a couple of years ago, and didn't like the taste of homemade. Maybe I did something wrong?

  2. Never seen this done. Love the jar.

  3. Sometimes it's best not to think about how it's done.

  4. Yum, I love to make it. We always have some in the fridge, it last such a long time. I ferment mine with whey and then keep in fridge.

    I had time to spend reading your blog this morning. You have such a beautiful garden. A wonderful and diverse assortment of beautiful veggies. I look forward to more visits to your garden.

  5. EG, Maybe you didn't let it ferment long enough. When mine is finished fermenting, I take about an inch off the top, rinse it and make fresh brine before cooking and canning. My mother says not to rinse it...but I just have to.

    johanna, I will do an updated post on the process when it is finished fermenting. I have had jars like that for 20 years or more. I ordered them from a tobacco shop.

    Sue, I agree...the first time I made it. I was so grossed out that I didn't know if I could eat it right away. However, "The Italian" (who was by boyfriend at the time) was so excited. He came over with hot dogs and buns in hand..we ate it and it was wonderful!

    Lorie, Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I have been lacking in posts lately due to some other matters. However, things are back to a more normal pace and I will be posting on a regular basis.

  6. WOW, very cool! I have never seen anyone make it before, so thanks for sharing! Methinks that would go very very well with a nice brat & an Oktoberfest Ale!

  7. Robin-you'll have to watch out for Erin----trouble, I tell you, TROUBLE!
    Gotcha, Erin!

  8. Erin, Yes, it would go great with a nice brat and an Ale

    Sue, I'm sure that you are's a good thing that she doesn't live closer to me. I think that we would get into trouble together!

  9. That is so awesome that you make your own sauerkraut! I can't wait to see the finished product.

  10. It has been a long time since I made sauerkraut. Years ago when my family was young and we had a larger vegetable garden than we do now, I would make a crock full. Nothing like it! Enjoy.


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