
Monday, November 15, 2010

Harvest's all about the Green Stuff

Mustard Greens that is!! This week I harvested some of the mustard greens. This is the first time I have grown them and they did very well.   "The Italian" and I are debating over how we are going to cook them tonight. What are some of your favorite ways to cook mustard greens??

Oh, I also harvested One Ounce of Snow Peas!!! Like many of you have said...this time of year every ounce counts!! This harvest brings the year to date total up to about 410 lbs!!!

12 oz. of Mustard Greens

Harvest Total - 13 oz.
Mustard Greens: 12 oz.
Snow Peas: 1 oz.

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions the host of Harvest Monday to see some more Fall Harvests!


  1. I have actually never grown mustard greens but I tend to use all "non delicate" greens in stir frys so that would be my first thought for using them. I am sure someone else that has actually grown them and used them will have better ideas.

  2. To tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever eaten mustard greens...though I wonder if they are similar to the ones you find at the Asian Market.

    I believe that when young, they are used in salad mixes but I'm sure they would be tasty in a soup or stew or stirfried. They look great though!

  3. Your mustard greens look very healthy. Some of mine greens were attacked by green and black caterpillars. So they are full with holes now.

  4. Congratulations to such a great harvest this year!
    Have a great week,

  5. Wow, 410 lbs. is an impressive total! We don't grow any mustard greens - so I don't know how to cook them. Sorry...

  6. Gorgeous greens abound this week!

  7. Like your new photo reel at the least this is the first time I've noticed it! You may want to check the code though, it is looking a little off! Love those things!

  8. Personally not a fan of them, but definately a fan of snowpeas and typically hav ea hard time getting them to the table. They tend to be eaten as I'm harvesting. LOL

  9. Laura, I have never grown them before and never used them alone. I have found many recipes...but, we can't decide on one.

    Thomas, They are mustardy and peppery tasting.

    MojVrt, Some of the greens have some holes in them....but, not many.

    Madame C, Thanks, this is my first year weighing and we are pleasantly surprised at how much was harvested

    EG, I wonder how much I would have harvested if those darn SVB's didn't kill ALL of my squash!

    The Mom, Thanks a bunch

    Shawn Ann, I got the idea from you! I thought it would be nice to look at the 2010 garden pics!

    Barbie, I eat a lot of snow peas in the garden too....they are just so good!

  10. I have to admit, mustard greens are not one of my favorite veggies and my husband likes them even less. So, I don't grow them, and I don't buy them, and I don't have any clue how to make them tasty... But your's sure are pretty!

  11. Yeah, I can skip the mustard greens like the others. I'm growing mizuna this fall and I haven't been overly excited to harvest it yet.

    410 lbs?! That's impressive!

  12. Michelle & Stevie, I have found a few good recipes for the greens. We will see how they taste. Thanks a bunch!

  13. Beautiful mustard greens! Just looking at them is an inspiration to go out and work in the garden.

  14. Pretty greens. Well I'm no help. I tried growing them once and they just wilted and died on me. They look tasty though.


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