
Sunday, November 7, 2010

This Harvest Monday....qualifies for....

The Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Harvest Award!! Last week's harvest was exceptionally big for this time of the, I guess it evens out. I only harvested 3, yes 3 snow peas and 5 green onions.

Nothing went to waste though. When I brought in my large harvest of snow peas, "The Italian" was in the process of making a Mung Bean Noodle dish with veggies. He promptly grabbed them in threw them in the pan.

I got 2 and "The Italian" got 1!

Saturday I made braised short ribs in red, I ran out and pulled these 5 green onions. I have no idea where they came from. There are a couple of dozen onions in various beds around the garden. I guess they are some that didn't grow much in the spring. Yes, the short ribs were absolutely marvelous! I added some nice small potatoes and pak choi in to the pot at the end....yum!

I don't think that I will add this harvest in to my total for the was about 1.5 oz.!!

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions our host for Harvest Monday to see harvests!!


  1. Hi Robin,
    I will have to try growing peas in fall. I usually grow them only in spring. Although not a big harvest, I'm sure they were tasty!

    I have about 10 onions growing around my garden, after plowing. I'm not sure how they survived that.

  2. The harvests may be small this time of year,but they're still wonderful!

  3. Every harvest counts :) Although, if it were me, the pea pods wouldn't have made it the photo and certainly not into the house. I would have probably eaten them on the spot.

  4. I agree! It is a great challenge to find something to eat in the garden at the moment. But your onions look delicious though:)
    Have a nice week,
    Cesars trädgård

  5. Soon we won't have harvests at all. I'll be happy to read all the more southern blogs then. Us northerners will be busy reading seed catalogs to keep us busy. And three snow peas are much better than none. I think we really appreciate when we have the last of something.

  6. It sounds delicious. It is really getting hard to find anything to harvest now, it is a challenge, but one always finds something edible :-)

  7. I'm glad you posted about your small harvest, or I wouldn't have found your blog. I am inspired by back yard gardeners.

    Your peas and green onions look delicious. I'll be back! :)


  8. Peas and onions are a good late season harvest! I am down to the fall raspberries, a variety of greens, celery, and root crops stored in ground (carrots and parsnips). I hardly did any fresh harvesting, not because there is nothing to harvest, but because we try to pace the use of the fresh harvest items and use a higher proportion of stored and preserved items during the winter.

  9. Every littl ebit counts! I did the same thing with my snow peas. THe next few weeks will bring more for sure. The onions look great scallions nad green onions in one.

  10. Even if it is small, it is still a thrill to be getting stuff out of the garden this late! Enjoy it! :)

  11. I always count the small harvests. After all, they're part of the efforts and are appreciated too. I had snow peas this past spring, and they hardly germinated. I ended up tilling them in to the soil. The seeds were two years old, but I wouldn't think that would make such a big difference. Not the first pod was had. So, yours look great!

  12. MojVrt, My spring peas were great. I am going to try another variety which was recommened to me next year for the fall.

  13. A harvest is a harvest is a harvest, pretty soon we all go back to counting ounces instead of pounds.

    I grew some fall peas and green onions, but no peas to speak of, congrats on your peas and onions.

  14. Thanks everyone!! I agree, anything fresh from the garden is always a good harvest!

  15. Any harvest is a good harvest. Even if it is small. I'm only a few days away from my last harvest of the year, after that I'll be fondly remembering even the smallest harvests!

  16. Ha! A small harvest is better than no harverst, right?

  17. Your onions look good and your ribs sound YUMMY!

  18. Robin, count it! a harvest is a harvest. ;) the snow peas and onions are lovely and braised short ribs in wine sounds delightful.


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