
Monday, December 20, 2010

"Little Garden Helper" making Christmas Cookies

Today my "Little Garden Helper" and "The Italian's" daughter were here making Christmas Cookies. These are the times to remember.

He looks so serious....he would spoon on the decorations and then lick the spoon every time!

Yum....NaNa's strawberry jam!
He said "NaNa you are a Hot Chicken"!!



  1. Lovely post and pictures...that is what Nana's get to do...make memories with their grandchildren.

  2. ...and licking the spoon every time... ha, ha... that is so cute!!!

  3. So sweet! A very happy holiday and blessings for a new year to the whole family.

  4. How cute! I'm looking forward to doing this with Jonathan is week. These are the things they'll remember when they're older!

  5. "Hot Chicken" Ha! Little kids are so adorable.

  6. So adorable and reliable!
    My kids also helped me harvest cabbages for their Christmas presents!
    Now I and my wife are considering what we should give.

  7. Hot chicken? HA! That boy is going to be a ladies man, isn't he?! Hey Robin, do you think we could get him and Alicyn together about 16 years from now? Wouldn't they make a pair!

  8. Thanks everyone...he is the light of my life :)

    Granny, He is getting so funny..he also said maybe he may call me chicken chicken. They don't even know why it's so funny. I'd rather be a Hot Chicken Nana any day :)

    I was thinking the same thing. They would definitely have blonde haired and blue eyed babies. They must be about the same age. He will be three in February

  9. Alicyn was two in October. Sounds about right to me....we would make such good match makers!

  10. It looks like he manages the Quality Control Division of Robin's Kitchen. And he's really into his work! They have such a good time doing things like this, you just feed off their glow. He'll remember making cookies with Mommy!

  11. Oh so cute!!!!
    Merry Christmas!!!

  12. LOL, " are a hot chicken". Even my heart laughed aloud. What a handsome little lad. I know you are proud.

  13. Oh, aren't kids the greatest?? I love that age. What a great thing for you to do with him. He's quite a cutie! Have fun making awesome memories!!

  14. Fantastic! Boy didn't he have a wonderful time with all that sugar!! I never though of using a spoon with my granddaughter. That's probably a good thing because every time my back was turned, the fingers were putting sugar pinchings into the mouth!!

    The finished cookies are beautiful!

  15. Those cookies are a work of art! What a lucky little fella....cookies AND homemade jam. :)


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