
Friday, January 21, 2011

Building Germinating Table #2

After all of the confusion over the garden plots yesterday, I decided to do what any good gardening woman would do...Have an adult beverage and make that second germinating table!!

Although the first germinating table turned out well, the second one is much nicer. I was able to string the lights in six rows instead of five like the first one. This one took me a fraction of the time to build....maybe it was because I had done it before or maybe it was the adult beverage I had while making it! After completing it, I decided to make some adjustments to the first one. Table number 1 now has six rows of lights just like table number 2.

Due to the confining space in the basement area where I germinate and lack of two additional storm windows, I decided to buy some glass for the tops of both tables. Today, I went to a local glass place and got two pieces of glass cut to size. Now the glass does not hang over the edges of the tables. This will provide me with much more space to move around and will make my life much easier down there in the basement when tending to the plants.

Next, I had to dig out an additional shop light and re-hang all of the lights over the tables.

Ta Da....Everything is almost ready to go!!! Now all I have to do is go get some germinating soil and wash all of those pots!


  1. You are ready! Tables look perfect and you are so lucky to have enough room for them. I couldn’t fit them anywhere in my home.

  2. You are SO ready! Mine are still jumbled up in the attic and I should get new bulbs for my shop lights this year, ugh!

  3. Well, I'm just impressed that you have found room for 2 tables. Wouldn't be happening here, and not because we don't have a big garage. They look great! Now to fill them up with the seeds and stuff!

  4. Ooooh, this is such a great idea!

  5. Looks like you're ready for action! It's definitely time to get everything ready....

  6. Mojo, Yes, I am almost ready. The tables really aren't too big. They are 2 feet by 4 feet. The trays fit perfectly on them

    Erin, Now that all of that yarn is better get your rear in gear and get your germinating gear together!!

    Lori, I think that it's time you take over some of that garage space you have. I can't fill them up until I get some soil!

    Mimi, thanks it was very easy and much less expensive then heat mats. It's quite cold in the basement.

    EG, I'm always ready....just ask "The Italian" HA!!

  7. Ooooh! Look at you, you are so ready to grow some seedlings. I can't wait to watch their progress.

  8. Wish we have a basement or cellar then we could carry our clever ideas like this.

  9. Rachel, I'm going to go to the garden center today and get some germinating soil...then I will be ready!

    GLA, I have always had a basement. I really don't know what I would do without one. We store our canned goods and some crops down there in different areas. As you can see, it's packed full of lots of stuff!!

  10. I love your germination tables and just read your previous post on this, very nice. I need to do something similar.

  11. Mr. H, I think that they are going to work well. I did try out the first one when I built it and it worked like a charm. I am going to start some herbs probably tomorrow since the weather is not so frigid and it's much warmer in the basement.

  12. That is one heck of a setup you of there! I want one!!!! :D


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