
Monday, January 10, 2011

First Harvest Monday of 2011

After many weeks of no harvests.........I finally harvested some leeks from the garden! I had left several leeks in the garden until we had a craving for leek and potato soup. Well, "The Italian" came down with a slight cold the other day and I thought it was time to make some soup!

They weighed in at 8 oz. after they were completely trimmed.
The soup was absolutely delicious....and was gone before I could take a picture!!

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions our host of Harvest Monday to see more harvests from around the world!


  1. Leeks look absolutely perfect! Great in size and color! And I am sure that the soup was exactly what you need on a cold winter day.

  2. Thanks for dropping in on my blog - I too make a lot of leek and potato soup or when I am feeling posh vichysoisse

  3. Nice! I've never grown leeks but want to someday. I hope "The Italian" is feeling better.

  4. Soup is always good for what ails you. Hope "The Italian" is feeling better. Those are some nice looking leeks!

  5. Those are beautiful! I haven't been out to check mine since returning from vacation, but I think mine won't be ready until Feb anyways, I'm looking forward to it!

  6. Looks good Robin! Your leeks seem to have held up very well this winter.

  7. Lovely leek harvest! I skipped growing leeks for two years in a row and have really been missing them. They are back on the growing list for 2011.

  8. All these leek soup posts makes me really want to try some. I'd never heard of it much less had any. I suppose this could be a 'northern' thing. LOL.

  9. Those look very nice. I am super jealous of you gardeners still harvesting in January! I am just daydreaming about this summers garden!

  10. Oh, leek and potato soup... one of my favorites! I actually have some leeks growing in the garden thsi season, but they aren't quite ripe yet.


  11. Beautiful harvest!!!
    No harvest here... just frigid weather!

  12. I love leek and potato soup. Well I love most soups, but that is high on the list. Your leeks look wonderful.

  13. I, too, love leeks. Last year a let some go to seeds and then scattered the seeds this year and I was amazed at how many germinated. It is the gift that keeps on giving!! And they look so lovely swaying in the breeze as they mature.

  14. Thanks everyone....and "The Italian" was over his cold in two days....Maybe it was the soup!!

    I have to say that leek & potato soup has become my favorite soup...lately!

  15. Beautiful leeks. Hmmm, I'm not sure I've ever had leeks before. What do they taste like? Like an onion?

  16. Nice size leeks, when did you planted the seeds?
    Love leek and potato soup, but I have to buy the leeks.

  17. Your leeks look great! I'm sure they made a great soup for your dear Hubby. I love a good hot, hearty soup in the winter months.

  18. Holly, Leeks have a milder onion taste...they are not bitter or strong

    mac, I started my seeds inside last year in the middle of February and harvested the first at the end of October. They have been in the garden for a long time. They really don't take up much room, are easy to grow and we really enjoy them. The only variety that I have grown is Carantan from Heirloom Seeds.


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