
Friday, January 14, 2011

This is What it is!!!

I thought I would wait 24 hours before I posted What it is!

I definitely thought that someone would figure it out.
I have to say that I really enjoyed all of the creative was fun!!


  1. I would never guess.
    One thing could help additionally, if you had taken a picture of something next to it so we can compare the size.

  2. Oh, you are such a beginner! I have one that has four spigots!

    I do have a bunch of Ys like yours, but mine don't have those hose protector extensions, so they are just little stubby things. I've never seen one like yours.

  3. Mojo, you right...I should have given the size or placed something next to it. I took the picture on Christmas and didn't think about it.

    Granny, Boy, you certainly have a heavy duty manifold!! But, mine is not stubby :)

  4. It's so that you can have more 2 hoses from one spigot!


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