
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We've Got Plots!!!

This afternoon I received the call from the women in charge of the Community Gardens. We have two plots!! Yeah!! They weren't our first or second choice.....but, I am very pleased! These two plots are side by side making our gardening space 40' wide by 30' deep.

This is not a very good picture of the plots. There is a structure and a good rain barrel set-up in place. The plastic on the roof has holes in, it will have to be replaced. When we looked at these plots we weren't sure if they were in use last year since they aren't as overgrown as some of the others. Therefore, it won't be as hard to get them cleaned up. There is some good fencing in place and I think that there is an very nice iron gate to the right of the structure.

Of course, we are supposed to get a big snow storm tonight!!! So......who knows when I will be able to get over there and get some better pictures and start making some plans!


  1. YES! Oh, you're going to have so much fun with that. Lots of work ahead of you, but I'll bet you have a beauty of a garden when you're finished with the cleanup. I'll bet you will put all those other plot tenders to shame ;-)

  2. Yay! That's exciting. And a pretty good sized space too. Let the planning begin!

  3. Congratulations on getting 2 plots side by side! Sure looks like a lot of work to get ready!

    But you have a nice big space!

    So looking forward to seeing your garden progress!

  4. Granny, Kaytee & Toni, I am so excited!!! The tall weeds in the picture to the left is plot 11. If my memory serves me correctly, 12 & 13 wasn't in bad shape. There are tall weeds in the front though. I can wait until April and the county workers will clean up the plots....but, I will be over there every nice day we have before that. I have crops to plant in April!!

  5. Congratulations!! What excellent news!!

  6. What wonderful news!! It will be so much fun to get these plots growing. I am looking forward to your progress.

  7. Yea!!! I am excited for you! I'm ready to come east and help. ;) Can't wait to see what you do first.

  8. Yea for you!! And what a nice size! Today must be your lucky day! You will need to keep us all updated on your progress. Details, please. Details! I don't know much about community gardens, and actually, had not heard of them up to a few years ago. What a great idea, and a great way to meet like-minded people. Congrats.

  9. I'm glad for you to have two spots next to each other. Do you get to keep the same spots each year if you want? It's good to start your planning now so when April comes you will be ready. I'm looking forward to your blogs about the community sites.

    Have a great planning day.

  10. Great News! I am so happy for you! Oh, now the sweet worries are beginning: How to organize it, getting it ready for spring...

    It is like when a child gets a new toy!

    Congratulations, Robin!!!

  11. Congrats! They make for a wonderful size-big enough, and yet not TOOOOO big! Can't wait to see your "transformation". Don't forget the CAMERA!

  12. It'll be fun to watch it develop! Oh the potential! I always thought I'ld like a plot in a community garden just so I could grow ridiculous amounts of pumpkins and melons that take up so much room. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the place. ^^

  13. That is great news! 30x40 is the size of my main garden plot, and you can grow a lot of goodies in a spot that size. Of course, gardeners always want more room to plant!

  14. Congratulations!

    And I'm intrigued about "community gardens". Are they like "allotments" here in UK where the local authority rents the land to individuals - or is it a private landlord? There is a huge waiting list here in Edinburgh so anyone getting to the top of the waiting list is really pleased.

  15. I'm glad that you were able to get connecting plots, whether side by side or end to end. As one large unit, I think it makes it easier and more fun to use.

  16. David, Yes you can keep the same plots as long as you pay your $20. fee before the end of the year.

    Sue, I think that these will be just the right size for us. Don't worry...I won't forget the camera!

    Mal, Yes, plots are what you call allotments in the UK. This property is owned by the county goverment and you pay a $20 fee per year for each plot. We were lucky to get them, since we have only been on the waiting list for one year. You are allowed one per household. My father in-law got one and we got one and were lucky to get them side by side. These plots will be for the bulk produce for our family.

    Thanks everyone...I will be over there taking pictures as soon as the weather permits!!

  17. Sounds great Robin. WE have five plots next to one another which amounts to about a third of an acre but we were lucky and got the plots when no-one wanted them. To get more than one now would be difficult, Look forward to watching your garden grow.

    If you are interested I've picture of how our last plot grew here

  18. Congrats Robin! 1200 square feet of extra growing space is huge! I can't wait to see when you have it all cleaned up. You're gonna have so much fun.

  19. Congrats to you Robin! Great news!! I know you are so excited to have all of this space. Can't wait to find out what you will be planting in there!

  20. Very rustic looking, looks half as bad as my plot when I first got it last July. :D

  21. How exciting! Community plots! I didn't really know such a thing existed. I'm looking forward to hearing more about these.

  22. I had never heard of them either until I moved here from the farm 6 years ago. Now that we are semi-retired, I have the time to have more garden space which we definitely need!


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