
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The first little sprouts

The first babies of the season have shown up. Of course, the Basil was the first to show it's little face just two days after sowing. The second to sprout was the Summer Savory.

Basil with first set of true leaves.

Two of the three varieties of lettuce are sprouting. They are the oldest lettuce seeds that I have. I will ditch the other variety if it doesn't sprout in another week. The spinach is also starting to come up.

The Rosemary is germinating!! I also have Winter Savory peaking through the soil. No signs of the parsley & mint yet.


  1. I am curious as to what you will do with the basil. Will you keep that indoors or try to plant in your greenhouse? My greenhouse still stays to cool in the eve until April. And we are the same zone.

  2. EG, Yes it is! I started to pre-sprout some seeds yesterday in those little containers that you gave me...but, that's another post.

    Jane, This basil will most likely stay in the house or out on the porch in a pot(when the weather permits). I will start a lot more basil at a later date for planting in the garden.

  3. I'm thrilled to see your sprouts. I have soooo long yet until I can sow. I'm itching to get my fingers back in the dirt!!

  4. Robin, did you come in during the night and take my basil? lol Those 4 basil seedlings look almost identical to the 4 growing here. I too may be ditching some spinach seed that is not behaving very well.

  5. I LOVE this time of year and watching new sprouts appear. I will try basil again this year but for some reason I have never been successful starting it from seed. And since I am of Italian extraction, I take it personally!

  6. I've sown some basil too - the seedlings are really recgonisable aren't they

  7. Oh how fun. I can't wait to see your garden grow this year.

  8. Green babies!! Woohoo!! Isn't it great?!! Spring is almost around the corner. Sorta.... :-)

  9. Sue, I will keep posting pics so you can think Spring!!!

    Di, Yes, I snuck over there last night and took them lol! I thought that I should try some of my old seed and see if they germinates before I throw it out.

    Patricia, Basil is the easiest of the herbs to grow....maybe you are giving it too much attention. Just ignore it and pretend that you don't care. That's what I did with my spinach last year...I went away for a week and it decided to grow!!

    GLA, the basil smells so good even when it is that small :)

    Liisa, I can't wait either :)

    Lynn, yes, spring is on it's way!!!

  10. Yay!!! Congrats on your new little sprouts. I love this time of year! Excuse me while I get my hands dirty.

  11. Congrats! I'm hoping to see the same soon!

  12. I sowed my summer savory 3 days ago. So, I should expect it to sprout very soon?
    All my onions and leeks sprouted.

  13. ana, yes, the summer savory should sprout pretty quick. Mine is a little leggy like it was last year, but it grew nicely. I need to start my leeks soon. I am not starting any onions from seed this year


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