
Monday, February 28, 2011

Harvest Monday....2/28/2011

Although we use our stored harvests and herbs & spices daily, I'm not real good at taking pictures and documenting what we use.

This past week I did have a couple of small harvests and also a great recipe that I found to share. I was looking for a recipe to use pork chops and spinach and came across an unbelievable wonderful recipe for spinach. Although the recipe calls for fresh spinach, I used some frozen from last years harvest. The spinach is sauted with green onions and is to die for!! I found this recipe have got to try it!!

Three small overwintered green onions and a very small leek for the spinach recipe.

The first tiny radish from the cold frame. I took the picture then promptly ate it!

This is an onion that was over at the plots. I pulled out at least a dozen and this one was not damaged from the winters cold. I think it probably weighs more then my entire onion crop failure last year....Hmmm...maybe I should just ignore the onions this year and they will grow!!

Stop by Daphne's Dandelion's our host of Harvest Monday to see more harvest from around the globe!!


  1. We dug up some leeks too which were only small as we planted them out a little too late

  2. Radishes make me smile. I love their bright colors. I've recently learned that here I need to grow them in the fall instead of our hot summer - no more too spicy radishes.

  3. My onions don't always do well also. But last year they did wonderful. The only problem was I didn't plant enough since I just assumed they would fail like the years before. Sometimes you just can't win.

  4. That is a beautiful onion. They can be a tricky things - definitely had had my good years and bad years with onions. We also use our produce (stored, frozen, preserved) every day - but I never get pictures of our meals that they are included in because when the cooking is done we are ready to eat - not take pictures!

  5. Onions are a major pain. That looks like a nice one. Maybe the trick is to grow them in that plot.

  6. The spinach dish does sound good. I'm always looking for easy side dishes like that! That onion is amazing. It must be a good keeper type.

  7. The spinach dish sounds delicious. I make a similar one that uses garlic instead of scallions and vinegar instead of lemon juice. I'm going to have to try your version when I can harvest some scallions. Chard is good prepared in the same way.

  8. Sue, I still have some larger leeks out in the garden. I think there is enough out there for one last batch of potato and leek soup.

    Melissa, Radishes do like the cooler temps to keep them cool!

    Jane, Last year was the only time I had a really bad onion crop. It was also the only year I planted them from seed. It would be great if we could have one perfect gardening year...wouldn't it??

  9. That radish is telling me spring is just around the corner. Um...after you dig out from all the snow. Beautiful harvest! =0)

  10. Sometimes I think ignoring is just the thing they need. :-)

  11. Gotta try the spinach dish, it sounds so good.

  12. Hey, ignore onions??? I have a few coming up from last year's spot, and I thought I'd picked all of them. Who knew?? Spinach, green onions, and raisins?? Will have to check that one out. Thanks for sharing!

  13. your onion look great even it has been ignored.i did not know that we can freeze spinach, i might to that when we sow them in autumn.

  14. The Mom, I hope that is the trick since most of them are going to be planted over there.

    Villager, I think that you will enjoy the spinach dish. It's a nice change.

    Erin, Too bad I didn't grow it!

    michelle, I think that I will have to try this recipe with Chard, once it's big enough to harvest..thanks for the idea

  15. My onion crop last year was pretty bad too. I keep hoping some year to get good onions, but haven't yet. I always think "maybe next year they will work". I can only hope.

  16. Barbie, I think that you are right. I tend to have a hard time with spinach...last year I went on vacation for a week and came home to a great spinach harvest!!

    Mac, Enjoy!!

    Lori, I thought that I had pulled all of my onions last year too...and then I found those little ones in the garden for the spinach recipe

    Malay, That onion was left in the plots from the previous gardener...who knows how long it was there. I blanch the spinach for a few seconds then put it in ice cold water, drain, dry and freeze. It works out great.

    Daphne, my onions usually do OK. Last year was a complete failure though. I don't know if it was because I started them from seed or the weather. Oh well, we can only hope for one year of a perfect garden!!

  17. THIS year your onion crop will be good... once you have tamed that new plot you will be able to get a LOT of produce I think.

  18. i would LOVE that radish right now! whooot!


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