
Sunday, February 20, 2011

SNOW......oh NO!

I really need to get over to the plots to get some soil samples for testing. Since it seems like the weather forecast changes constantly. I thought that I would check it again and see what day would be or tomorrow. Do you believe that they are calling for snow tonight and tomorrow night?? I really don't want any more snow! I guess that I better get over there today.

Today: Breezy with sun followed by increasing clouds. High: 38

Tonight: Snow this evening, changing to sleet overnight and possibly mixing with rain to the south. Low: 29

Monday (President's Day): Rather cloudy with a little rain in the morning. Another batch of rain moves in late Monday; changing to snow overnight. High: 43 Low: 20


  1. Oh no is right! Too many signs are pointing to an early spring. You're not far from me so I bet we have a similar forecast. Yike!

  2. We're expecting snow here in NJ as well. Son of a !!!

  3. It's 20 here right now. By Thursday, our high temp is supposed to be 34, and snow flurries are predicted. It looks so warm and sunny outside....but it's not!

  4. Frost this a.m. and will only get to the very low 50's for the next few days: BUT we are promised SUN until the weekend...THANKYOU...I can handle the cold if I have some sunshine...will Winter ever be OVER!

  5. Two days ago we set a record high for here (50 degrees). Now we're supposed to get 8 inches of snow tonight. This is more like March weather----warm,cold,warm, SNOW...

  6. We had a snow shower yesterday too with a slight covering - it's gone ytoday but still really wet, cold and miserable!

  7. Oh no, snow again!
    We had one good week of 40s-50s then cold and windy down to 20s again.

  8. YIKES! More snow? I hope it lets up so you can get down to business!!

  9. Well, it's nice and sunny out and I made it over to the plots and got my soil samples and pictures. Let's just hope that the weather man is wrong about tonight.

  10. such crazy weather! Ours has been mild, but the winds sustained at 45 mph made doing anything outside impossible - today we're supposed to hit the upper 60's but more wind and rain.... guess today's another get-nothing-done day.

  11. Yup, it's snowing right now. It seems like a half-hearted snow though. Spring is coming!


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