
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Guess what today is?????

It's somebody's Birthday!!! No, it's not mine or "The Italian's"

No it's not
Miss Banana's

 Alvin's 9th BD!!! Now he's the same age as us!!

The Great Blind Vole Catcher!!


  1. Happy birthday, Alvin! Do you bring your dead voles into the house, to be consumed on the rug? Annie brings chunks of....uh, compost (nice way of saying cow poop) in and puts them under the dining room table!

  2. Alvin says thanks Granny. No, he does not bring the dead voles into the house. Miss Banana is the one who brings LIVE bunnies and chipmunks into the house for me to catch!!

  3. Oh happy birthday kitty!!! Just as long Alvin brings the critters in dead and not alive.....I have a friend who has a cat that lets lizards go alive inside her house....that's the best:)

  4. I hope Alvin is enjoying a day of rest on his b-day!

  5. Alvin looks all worn out from his birthday vole catching! A cat nap is in order I think. :D Happy Birthday to Alvin!

    My cat Sid is toothless (he came to us extremely ill and almost dead - the prolonged illness caused his later dental problems) but he still manages to catch the voles and gum them to death. How he manages it I really do not know - but I appreciate his garden pest vigilence!

  6. Happy birthday! What a good catcher he is. We had a mouse in our house and our cats didn't catch it. Can we trade kitties? LOL.

  7. Terrific, I knew that feeding the neighborhood cats would pay off! We had a vole problem in years past, so I started trying to attract the neighborhood cats, hoping that would also keep birds away. Oh, and 9 years, that's serious!

  8. now THAT is a good cat! my dear old cat live to be just over 20 years. i hope your cat-friends are just as long lived.

  9. Happy belated birthday, Alvin! I hope you enjoyed some voles and maybe a little catnip?

  10. Alvin thanks all of you for your BD wishes :) He had a nice relaxing day...go figure!


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