
Monday, March 21, 2011

Harvest Monday......3/21/2011

We had a small harvest this week from the cold frames. A little lettuce and the remaining pak choi. This pak choi started to bolt just as the others did. I'm sure it was from fluctuating temperatures in the cold frames.

The lettuce in combination with the carrot and radishes from last week made great dinner salads! The pak choi is still waiting in the refrigerator for "The Italian" to make it into a fine dinner this week!

This week's harvest total was 8 oz: 4 oz. of lettuce and 4 oz. of pak choi.

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in gardens around the globe!


  1. Robin, how do you use pak choi? Is it something to use in stir fry?

  2. My pak choi and mizuna are both bolting. I've got replacements ready to replant.

    That's some pretty lettuce!

  3. Thanks Erin

    Marcia, yes you can use pak choi in a stir fry. We have also used it with braised short ribs. We just put the greens in the pot and cook it in the juices when the meat is done. It's a great veggie!!

    Villager, I too have some babies ready to plant!

  4. My late winter greenhouse pac choi also bolted. Too much temp variation extremes as we had a deep freeze in February. We salvaged much of the greens but my hens enjoyed the rest of them.

    Your harvest looks fresh and crisp and very tempting!

  5. Reckon pak choi would be good with thousand island dressing on it? haha, that's the way i'd eat it...

  6. Nice harvest! I was surprised to see how quickly my bok choy bolted this year. It was the first time I'd grown it. It did well though and I plan on growing more next year.

  7. A small but very choice harvest, the lettuce looks great.

  8. That is a pretty harvest of greens. I was hoping my overwintered Asian greens would produce something before bolting, but it looks like they won't. I'm starting to see signs of bolting on them.

  9. Lettuce looks wonderful. I try to imagine the feeling you have of discovering greens growing in your cold frame during the winter...what a gift of nature!

  10. Laura, All of the winter pak choi started to bolt when it was least we managed to get a couple of meals out of them!!

    EG, I reckon it would!!

    Holly, the salad was wonderful!!

    Katrina, I will be planting the spring pak choi in a week or two and then again for the fall and winter. We just love it!

    Daphne, I'm just happy that we got two meals from the pak choi in the cold frames.

    Patricia, It's a very nice treat for us to have fresh greens growing in the winter

  11. A colander full -Just lovely. Happy Spring to you!


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