
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy 1st Blogiversary to my Blog

Tomorrow it will one year since I started this blog. Boy, what a year it has been for our garden! We went from a very small urban garden to having the plots (the farm) at the community gardens too! I had only read a few blogs for a couple of months before I decided to start my blog. My initial thought was that it would make me keep record of my garden. I really had no idea it would turn out to be so much more.

My first follower was Dan and my second was Granny. I was so happy because they were two of the 3 blogs that I had been reading! The first garden blogger to post a comment was Granny! Today I have 80 followers and get a lot of wonderful comments daily on my posts, which mean so much to me.

I have to say that I sometimes feel like I don't show my appreciation as much as I should to all of my readers out there in blog land. I really admire how EG always thanks each and every new follower to his blog. I really had intended to do that as well. So, I am saying it now to each and every one of you who follow or read my blog....THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

I have learned so much from all of the great gardeners out there! It is so wonderful to be in touch with so many good people from around the world! You all keep me entertained and amazed on a daily basis, to say the least. I am grateful for all of the support, wonderful seeds & gifts received and the words of encouragement I have been given while starting those plots! When I come home tired or the weather holds me up, all of your kind words keep me going....they really do.

Yep, that's me and my computer! With that being said, I have to say thanks to my new good friend Granny.....Thanks so much for all your words of wisdom, being the pistol that you are and also being there for "The Italian" and I!!

Here' to a Great Gardening Year and Bountiful Harvests for all of us out there in blog land!!


  1. Awww, I'm blushing :-D

    Happy Blogiversary, dear friend, and you'd better have many, many more to celebrate with us! We love ya.

  2. Congratulations good to see that you still enjoy blogging

  3. Happy Blogiversary! and keep up the great work in your gardens and on your blog!

  4. Happy Blogiversary! It's been great reading your blog and seeing your garden develop. And although I might not post a comment every time, I read each and every post, and I love them!

  5. Ol' granny is the best! She talks funny, though...hehe...I welcome any new followers because i'm honored that they would care to know what goes on around here throughout the year...

  6. Happy Blogiversary, and thank you for posting such interesting material and photos!

  7. Happy Happy BlogBirthday :o), Blogging is like having a whole new family ...each concerned with what's happening in you life..comments and follwers help to keep us all going... :o)

  8. Happy Blogiversary!! I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your new garden progress.

  9. Happy Anniversary! I've enjoyed your blog entries and look forward to many more anniversaries!

  10. Congratulations...time flies when you are having fun! It is interesting how blogs take on a life of their own. They usually start out as something for the blog author only...but then...

    You blog is wonderful and I love visiting. It is fun to make new virtual friends.

    Auguri and complementi to "the Italian."

  11. Congratulations! It is a great way to document our gardens and lives, but as you said - so much more! Looking forward to the next year's blog posts.

  12. Happy Blog Birthday! Very kind words and we all love ya right back!

  13. Congrats! Gran was one of my first as well, she's a very inspiring gal!

  14. Happy blogiversary!

    (Know what you mean about responding. Beware winter when you gather lots of friends - who all post at once when spring arrives!)

  15. Happy Blogiversary. I love the card you have. That really tells what blogs are like. They are a community or friends.

  16. Thanks Granny, I'm planning to have many many more to celebrate!

    Captain S, I'm still loving it!

    Thanks a bunch Jane, a fellow Pennsylvania gardener!!

    Liisa, I'll keep going until I fall over :)

    Kaytee, I'm happy that you love my posts. It does get hard to comment on each and every post that you read....there's just not enough time in the day!

    EG, Hey you have never heard this Yankee talk yet!!

    Villager, hey, thanks for following my blog!! I'm glad that you find my posts interesting!

    Ginny, You said it!! It is like having another family that actually finds your passion interesting!

  17. Thanks Rachel, I really enjoy your blog as well!

    Holly & Vic, I really appreciate your kind words!

    Patricia, Time sure does fly...doesn't it? Yes, it interesting how a blog takes on a life of it's own and wonderful to meet such nice people!

    Lynda, It's been a great experience so far and I'm sure it will continue.

    APGal, I luv all you guys!!

    Erin, Granny is some what of a pistol isn't she??

    Mal, it always seems like when I have the least amount of time there are a lot of posts and/or comments!

    Daphne, I had to look at the card really does remind one of a community of friends!!


  18. Congratulations!!! I enjoy reading your posts. Your part of my coffee reads everyday:) Happy birthday!

  19. Happy Blogiversary to you, Robin! Your thoughtfulness is so very inspiring, not to mention your interesting garden happenings. So glad to have discovered you last year!

  20. Rohrerbot, Thanks, I am happy to be a part of your coffee time!

    Minji & Keith, Awww thanks, I'm happy to have found your blog as well!

  21. Happy Blog Anniversary. Looking forward to read more of you interesting posts.

  22. I can't believe you've only been on a year. You have done wonders in that time. Congratulations! and Happy Anniversary!

  23. Malya girl, thanks I am happy that you find my posts interesting.

    Marcia, Yes, it has only been one year since I started this blog...time flies!! I really think that it has also improved my gardening since I have learned so much from all of you!

  24. What a year! Hoping this one is even better for you. :)

  25. Happy Blogoversary! You will have so much to write and talk about in the year ahead with the lovely new garden space! Looking forward to it. :D

  26. Robin, sorry I missed your Blogiversary, but better late than never. ;) You have added a wonderful dimension to our blogging world, and for that I am thankful. Many blessings to you and "The Italian".

  27. Thanks Kelly, It has definitely been quite a year!

    Laura, I am sure that gardening at the plots will definitely be a learning experience!

    Diana, Thanks for your kind words. I really can't express how much all of you mean to me...thanks again :)


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