
Monday, April 4, 2011

Harvest Monday... Cold Frame Crops.....4/4/2011

We had a few nice little harvests from the cold frames this week. The cold frames crops are really starting to grow now with the longer days and a bit warmer temperatures.

7 oz. of Arugula

Two nice little heads of lettuce, which made two very nice dinner salads. The lettuce on the left is Quattro Stagioni Sel. Rossina Di Pescia. These seeds were given to me by my in-laws from their most recent trip to Italy. I think it is such a beautiful lettuce! It tastes good too!

Harvest Total - 1 lb. 4 oz.
Arugula - 7 oz.
Collards - 7 oz.
Lettuce - 6 oz.
Stop By Daphne's Dandelions our host of Harvest Monday to see what is going on in gardens around the globe!


  1. Those are nice looking greens. My peas are showing so I hope to take photos of that and post on Daphne's later today.

  2. Lovely greens. I hope I'll be harvesting some from my cold frame in a few weeks.

  3. We have not had any fresh lettuce growing for a while. Pretty lettuce seeds you received from your MIL.

  4. It is very pretty. One of these days I'll follow through on a cold frame or hoop house.

  5. I have salad envy! Mine are still so tiny :)

  6. We are in between crops of lettuce at the moment - so I am envious of those pretty heads of lettuce! We have swiss chard and kale currently producing. More things coming behind (including lettuce) but they are the only things actually producing a harvestable crop. Our harvests are coming from the plants growing in the greenhouse in containers. The extra warmth and protection makes all the difference - so I am sure your coldframes are likewise making a big difference for you too.

  7. Marcia, I haven't seen any signs of the peas that I planted here at the house....and I have been stalking them daily!! Can't wait to see yours!

    Emily, I'm sure that your lettuce will take off now that it is in the cold frames.

    Malay girl, I think that lettuce is so so beautiful!

    The Mom, You really have to build a cold frame or hoop house this year!

    Erin, I guess that size does matter :)

    Laura, I just hate it when there is no lettuce! The cold frames do provide so much warmth and us some great early harvests!

  8. Such a pretty harvest. I so love red lettuce.

  9. Love the looks of that Italian lettuce. And the arugula. I made another pasta dish with ours yesterday.

  10. Beautiful lettuce! Mine is still pretty small yet and I'm trying to cut only a little bit here and there as baby greens...can't wait until I get some bigger heads...

  11. Oh I'm so unhappy! The snails got my lettuce! Yours are beautiful! I have a few seedlings I just put in a garden bed...I hope they make it!

  12. Daphne, Me too...I have two varieties of red lettuce growing right now.

    Villager, I was presently surprised at how beautiful the Italian lettuce is. I think that we will be making another pasta dish with arugula this week too.

    Deb, There's nothing better then a fresh garden salad!!

    Lynda, You better take care of those snails asap!!

  13. Nice harvest robin! I love love love the Italian lettuce. Absolutely gorgeous! I'll have to be on the lookout for seeds here in Paris. Thanks for he reminder.

  14. Love those beautiful heads of lettuces. We have had strong winds 60 mph almost every other day, some of my seedlings are not too happy right now.

  15. Gorgeous greens! It's amazing what cool weather does for lettuce - they're beautiful varieties.

  16. Holly, I hope that you are enjoying your lovely vacation..don't forget to buy seeds!!

    Mac, the wind here has just been horrible too! We are having March winds in March and April this year. My greens are in the cold frames with the tops, the sides protect them quite a bit from the wind.

    Jane, The greens are definitely loving the cool weather...but, I'm not!!

  17. Your lettuce looks amazing! I tried some of my overwintered lettuce this weekend and didn't really care for. The leaves were just a bit too tough from all of the freezes and thaws.


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