
Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Harvest Memorial Day!

I am very happy to say that we harvested some new veggies this week!!!!

The first two strawberries were harvested from the plots on Sunday! There were many more that will be ready this morning. I will add those to next weeks harvest. "The Italian" will be so happy to be able to have his strawberries for breakfast! I ate these two though :)

Two different varieties romaine lettuce and some Calabrese Broccoli. The two heads of lettuce weighed in at 1lb!

I also harvested four White Kohlrabi. I am planning to use both the greens and the bulbs.

Harvest total - 2.75 lbs.
Broccoli - 4 oz
Kohlrabi - 24 oz. (including greens to be used)
Lettuce - 16 oz.

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday and see what is going on in veggie gardens around the globe!


  1. Don't blame you for eating the strawberries - always a treat fresh from the plant.

  2. So excited to see your broccoli probably I miss them so much since we only eat things that is in season from our garden. Ours are still seedlings. Nice kohlrabi! Never tasted one before.

  3. Looks great! What do you do/how do you use your kohlrabi?

  4. Wow! It is strawberry time, finally. You will be busy picking them. Broccoli looks especially good. Don't think I've ever had kolrabi.

  5. Awesome harvest! Love the kohlrabi. I've never tried it, but it's on the list to try possibly next year. Great job on the romaine lettuce. I've really come to enjoy lettuce from my garden.

  6. Sue, I always eat some strawberries when I picking them. I think that they taste best when they are eaten right away!

    Diana, I'm excited to try the kohlrabi...I've never eaten it either.

    Allison, I have never cooked it before but am planning to use the greens like I use other greens and roast the bulbs sliced with garlic, olive oil and parm. cheese.

    Marcia,'s finally strawberry season!!! The kohlrabi will be a new experience for me as well.

    Thanks Lori, I will probably do a post on how I cooked the kohlrabi. It's totally new for me

  7. Kohlrabi is good sliced on salads. I forgot to plant some this spring, maybe I'll do a fall planting.

  8. Yipee for strawberries, I eat them as I see red, they never made into the house.

  9. I always eat the first strawberries before sharing the later harvests. I think it is the due of the gardener to get the first taste. :D

    The broccoli, lettuces, and kohlrabi look great. Our broccoli is just now forming tiny beginnings of the central head. It should not be all that much longer of a wait for us to start enjoying the spring crop of broccoli. One of my favorite vegetables!

  10. Emily, We will have to try some on salad too!

    Mac, I agree....I eat alot of strawberries in the garden!! Who can resist??

  11. I ate my first berries, too. I didn't even tell Mr. Granny. I didn't even tell Frank! ;-)

  12. Granny, I won't tell either one of them what you did! I ate some more strawberries at the plots early this morning when I went over to pick some for "The Italian's" breakfast :)

  13. Your broccoli is a week before mine. Mine will be picked soon, but it will be in next week's harvest. And no strawberries for me to hide from hubby. I won't get any until later in the year. And hubby doesn't eat them.

  14. wonderful harvest, Robin! We continue to do the greens thing: spinach, kale, lettuce, broccoli... and I can't believe my mustard greens are beginning to seed, and we have not had any hot weather.

    My zucchini 'cocozelle' (seeds you gave me), well, when you have a chance go to my blog... I have a photo of it. :)

  15. I torture my kiddos making them wait for my strawberries, and I never get one! Tell us how your Kohlrabi tastes! I have never tried it either!

  16. I had to buy strawberries, So I'm going to snitch on Granny and Robin for eating while picking, that's how folks do when they are jealous :o( My Brocolli Rabe is beginning to seed up too..I'll pick them again soon and I think that will be the last ..until new planting when it's cooler or different greens...I have to keep greens going around here..I'd be a mean one without them.

  17. Robin, I'm so excited about your strawberries! Is this your first harvest of strawberries? If so, then just wait and see how they reproduce themselves. They're like rabbits!

  18. Excellent work! I finally had enough lettuce to make a salad last nite - it was like heaven. and hee hee hee "tomato alley" - oh golly thats a good one!

  19. Daphne, Lucky you not to have to share your strawberries! I planted 3 varieties at the plots in order to have them all summer.

    Diana, The weather has been crazy this spring. My Pak Choi bolted during the cold rainy period we had. But my Baby Choi is doing great with the excessive heat..go figure! I took a quick peek at your post..too bad about the slugs :(

    Shawn Ann, I'll do a post of the kohlrabi. It will be interesting to see what it tastes like.

    Ginny, Now don't you be starting trouble with Granny and I!!! I think that you need a strawberry patch of your own!

    Jody, I had a small strawberry bed at home. I know that this won't be their best year. Boy I wish that I could harvest 1/4 of what you have been harvesting...hopefully next year.

    OhioFG, It's going to be something during canning season when those tomatoes start producing!!

  20. Really nice lettuces and broccoli! I also looked at your later post (that has the double collar around the spaghetti squash). Is a collar like this supposed to help with SVB? I've read about collar to deter cutworms but since SVB are flying insects, I'm not sure how this would work...what am I missing?

  21. Perdita, Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Last year was the first year that I had SVB's and I could have sworn that I had read to collar them. I did a little more research and it seems that there are other steps that I will have to take regarding the SVB's.


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