
Monday, May 16, 2011

Harvest Monday ......5/16/2011

It's the same harvest here this week, more letttuce. I only picked two nice heads of the lettuce. I'm trying to hold off picking all of the bigger heads of lettuce as long as I can. The second sowing of lettuce has a while to go before it will be ready. Which reminds me that I should sow some summer lettuce this week.

This is the Italian variety....seeds from in-laws trip to Italy last spring. It is very pretty and good tasting too!
Total Harvest for the week: 8 oz. of lettuce

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions our host of Harvest Monday to see what is growing in veggie gardens around the globe!


  1. That's a lovely head of lettuce, Robin! I love the blushed red varieties.

  2. Red lettuces add such a nice splash of color to the salad bowl. That is a really pretty variety.

  3. Love the red lettuce. It looks so good.

  4. Uh...if you need more, I'll be happy to send some your way ;-)

  5. The lettuce looks great! Here in 6A my lettuce this year just isn't growing at all like last year.

  6. Lovely looking lettuce! I like those Italian varieties too, but I have to mail order mine from Seeds of Italy.

  7. Your lettuce looks like shiney satin! Very pretty!

  8. What a pretty head of lettuce.

  9. That is such a gorgeous head of lettuce. Much of my lettuce is getting picked leaf by leaf (except the romaine). I'll have to pick some plants sometime though as I too sowed my next lettuce succession. I'll do another sowing too in a couple more weeks.

  10. That lettuce is SO pretty! I'm pretty much obsessed with red lettuces this year, they definitely add a lot of color to your salads!

  11. Thanks so much everyone! I have been tied up since Monday morning and was unable to respond


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