
Monday, May 23, 2011

Harvest Monday.........5/23/2011

My harvests once again this week are lettuce. I have been picking some Buttercrunch, Romaine and the Italian variety Quattro Stagioni Sel. Rossina Di Pescia. I was really hoping for the main ingredient in Rabbit Jambalya.....but as I write this post, the trap is empty.

Sunday's lettuce harvest after washing.
Total Harvest for the week 1 lb. Lettuce

Stop by Daphne's Dandelion's our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in veggie gardens around the globe.


  1. Your lettuce harvest looks really tender and sweet. I am battling a singular rabbit at the moment - has been mowing down my strawberry patch. I think I have it adequately covered now with hoops and netting, but the rabbit will likely just move on to eating something else then. :(

  2. Looks yummy Robin. My lettuces are getting hit by the heat. Not sure how much longer I can harvest.

  3. Hey, I'll send my rabbit to you! Not sure he'd make a very good Jambalaya though, he's pretty old and skinny now.

  4. My poor lettuce is maybe just about making an inch tall :o( but I'm happy it's thriving as well :o) . As far as Bunny soup or anything else bunny..the critters here are fast ...they could win the derby so far they haven't caused any damage.

  5. I couldn't manage to eat anything that I'd seen as a live animal or even a dead one whole - I know it's wimpish but I can't even eat a fish that looks like a fish!

  6. Wow, nice sweet crunchy lettuces.
    I've seen some bunnies in our neighborhood, but they never come into our garden, our kitties patrol the yard.

  7. I like your new banner photo. I see now where it came from: your last harvest. Nice.

    Sorry to hear about your critter troubles. Good luck with the trap.

  8. Your lettuce is beautiful. We have just plain ol' romaine, most of it is selling roadside.

  9. How about roast rabbit served on a bed of lettuce. It would be so fitting. I hope you catch your evil critters soon as your lettuce is so pretty.

  10. Oh, poor bunny---I wonder if he knows what you're thinking. Me? I'm trying for Roast Chipmunk on a Stick---my strawberries got it last year from him and I'm sure he's going for it again this year.

  11. Laura, My one cat used to clean out the bunny nests in the spring which kept the bunny population under control. I guess that she is getting a bit too old for hunting now.

    tami, heat and lettuce isn't a good combination unless you can find a heat tolerant type to plant.

  12. I love Daphne's suggestion of roast rabbit on a bed of lettuce!

    Good luck catching that wascally wabbit. Here at Henbogle I have a very large groundhog in my sights -- but I want it in my Heartless Havatrap.

  13. Granny, That's OK, we have plenty of fat rabbits around here :)

    Ginny, Your lettuce will grow and then you won't know what to do with it all!

    Sue, I'm planning to relocate the bunnies if and when I catch them. That's what I do with all the animals that I trap

    Mac, My kitties are getting old that's why I have a rabbit problem.

    Marcia, I see that you are very obsevant. Yes, the banner photo is from this weeks harvest.

    Jody, I love romaine, but also like the colorful lettuces as well.

    Daphne, Sounds good!

    Sue, We have some chimpmunks around here too! My next door neighbor traps them though.

    Ali, A heartless trap is the best for a groundhog. They can eat an entire garden in a day!

  14. I'll trade you your recipe for Rabbit Jambalaya for my recipe for Squirrel Pot Pie ... : )

  15. Great lettuce harvest!! I love different lettuce varieties and your Italian varieties sound amazing!

  16. So you're really just a softie like me!

  17. I've caught 3 raccoons but no rabbit yet either! Perseverence will pay, someday.

  18. Those critters can be stinky sometimes. I think I have a cat that keeps messing up my beds! And pooping in them! Haven't seen it or caught it in the act yet though!

  19. do you have any idea how to get rid of green bugs on a pepper plant? I try to grow some peppers and herbs on my small balcony. this little bugs on top of the plant make them dead...


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