
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Great Garden Dinner

I've been so so busy the past couple of days. I just need about 20 more hours in a day and then maybe I could get everything done! I have yet to read some of the Harvest Monday posts! Sorry :(

Yesterday I made the Scape Garlic Jelly that I mentioned in my Harvest Monday post. Boy.....what a surprise!! It is absolutely wonderful! I make a Rosemary Garlic & Wine Jelly that I only use for marinating meats. "The Italian" and I thought that this jelly would probably be best suited for that purpose also. It's not only good for marinating....but great with cheese too!!! Thanks Lynn for yet another great jelly recipe!

I actually got 6 half pints from the batch of jelly. The balance was put in to a small bowl and refrigerated.

I cooked some Magnoila peas with the last of the Spring Blush peas and some snow peas.

Two nice salads from the garden with a few more MWC tomatoes, spring onions and celery

Chicken was roasted and topped with some of the Garlic Scape Jelly about 15 minutes before the chicken was done. I over cooked the peas a bit....but they were still tasty! I think that the Magnoila peas are a bit more starchy then the other peas. The next time that I cook them it will not be with other peas as to get a better idea of their true taste.


  1. OO-La-La!! Very nice! The jelly sounds amazing...your salads are beautiful...and I'm tearing up because I so wish I had not lost my pea crop!!! Your photos are great...they should be in a magazine!

  2. I'm SO jealous of that salad! Oh, to have tomatoes and lettuces ready at the same time..... :)

  3. I love those purple peas. I almost grew some this year, but I must have forgot to order the seeds. They look so nice.

  4. Thanks Lynda, I'm getting better with my new camera. I'm much much better at taking photos with my manual 35mm though!

    Erin, I think that this is the first time that I've had edible tomatoes and lettuce in the garden together. I so hope that I have some lettuce when the big tomatoes are ready!

    Jane, Next year you better remember to order the seeds :)

  5. That Jelly looks like it tastes wonderful! Right through the! I missed that recipe, I'll have to search your blog for it..I had the garlic but my scapes were too hard near the lumps.

  6. Ginny, it's really good! I didn't post the recipe but did put a link to Lynda's site on my Harvest Monday post. Just click on her site and she has the recipe posted

  7. What a yummy post! Everything looks delicious. I've wanting to grow them purple peas for a while now. Now you reminded me again!

  8. Oh wow, that chicken looks like it was roasted to perfection! I like how the purple peas retained their color.

    I never thought about making semi-savory jellies. It's kind of like chutney in a sense, right?

  9. Thanks Sherry, I think that you better grow them. They are so pretty!

    Thomas, I make so many different and unusal jellies and jams. We always serve them with different cheeses for appetizers when we have company. You really need to get your jammin on! Oh, right!

    Take a look at Peace Seeds. That's where I got these seeds and the Spring Blush Snap peas. They have a lot of interesting things

  10. Oh yum lovely dish from all those fresh harvest.

  11. Talk about a fine dining experience. I can almost hear the waiter saying, "tonight's special is a delightful presentation of scape garlic chicken with spring blush peas." It's almost as fun to look at, as it is to eat. Almost, I say!

  12. MKgirl, It was defiitely yummy!

    Jody, You are too funny!! I think whenever I do a food post from now on, I will write it that format!

  13. Oh yummy. I'm so starved right now. I forgot to make my quiche until noon, so now I'm waiting for it to come out of the oven. I guess I'll appreciate it all the more though.


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