
Friday, June 10, 2011

Lettuce & Tomatoes

I was sitting here melting from this horrible hot and humid weather looking at some photos I took two days ago at the home garden. I thought that I would share them with you....pretty lettuce and lots of tomatoes on the plants!

Seven out of the ten early tomato plants at the house have set fruit. There may be more now....but it's been too darn hot to go out and search.

By the time I finished this post, a storm came through along with some rain and cool air!! Yipee, now I don't have to go to the plots at 6AM!


  1. Not exact;y summer warmth here - very cool!

  2. Sue, we have had two heat waves already and it's not even summer yet. It was so hot for the past two days that you could hardly stand to go outside. You have really be having a time with your weather over there. This has been such a strange spring weather wise everywhere

  3. I am begging for one of those random thunderstorms from the heat, I'm getting ready to go out an water, and it's hot already out there, not looking forward to it!

  4. Erin, Boy, what a relief that storm brought. I just got back from the plots and everything survived the wicked storm. I am surprised that you aren't having the same cold front come in that we got. It's now supposed to seasonable. We still need rain though.

  5. That stupid storm did not even form until it was 30 miles past my area. I could cry, 3 weeks with no rain. Wettest spring on record, now nothing. Ugh.

  6. Jane, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get any rain at all. We didn't get much...but, the cooler temps are definitely welcome. We do have a chance of some thunderstorms today and in to tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for some rain for us and you too! We definitely need it!

  7. We got soaked too. Thank you Lord!

    I am shamefully jealous of your tomatoes. We're still waiting for our first bloom. Next year we're going to make some changes. We need more nutrients in the seed pots and more acid in the garden... I think, I hope.

  8. Yeah for you! Glad you got some needed relief, if only we could spread it all out appropriately!

    geesh, what a year!

  9. Thanks about the lilies! And yes it has been disgusting here too! It has been gross getting out in the garden the past few days. But hey, the kids love being outside, so might as well garden! Lovely tomatoes! Most of mine that I planted by seed do not have any tomatoes on them yet, but the cheaters (the ones I bought at the nursery), those have maters! Not too many though!

  10. We got rain too. Right after I watered everything. I still am happy for it. We needed the rain so bad.

  11. We got the dark sky, the wind and the lightning but very little rain as is evidenced by the ground being bone dry today. Oh well, back to the watering can.

  12. Jody, unfortuantely we didn't get soaked, just a short shower with wicked wind and lightning. Maybe you should test your soil and see what is going on at the end of this season. I should probably plant a cover crop at the plots to add some organic matter over there.

    APGal, I am so so beat from all that heat that I didn't do a darn thing all day!

    Shawn Ann, You'll have lots of maters before you know it!

    Daphne, I think that you got more rain then we did. It is supposed to rain over the weekend though. I'm keeping both my fingers and toes crossed on that one!

    Johanna, We didn't get much rain. But, the cooler temps are helping. Here's to some rain over the weekend!!

  13. we got a good soaking - hopefully it will be your way soon. those 'maters are fabulous!

  14. Your weather sounds like it has been a real challenge of late. Glad the storm brought a little relief. The lettuce is beautful and isn't it nice to see the tomatoes fruiting?! :D

  15. OFGirl, We got a nice 4 hours of rain on Friday night and then more last nigh....boy the veggies and weeds just loved it!!

    Laura, Our weather has done a complete turn around since this post. We had a lot of nice steady rain and the temps went down 20 degrees!! I can't wait for the tomatoes to start ripening!!!

  16. Robin, I LIKE your blog, because it has interesting photos on it, not just pretty ones! I love seeing pictures of the veg that other gardeners have produced. And me? Well, I'm just hoping the rain will stop for a time so that I can go and harvest some salad without getting wet! How ironic, since only a couple of days ago I was complaining that it had been far too dry for ages.

  17. It's raining here ... again ... wish I could send you some rain and you send me some days with temps over 60 degrees!

  18. Thanks Mark, I'm happy that you enjoy reading my blog! We finally got some much needed rain too!

    Deb, We finally got some much needed rain over the weekend!!! The temps are now back to normal for this time of the year! Now I have lots of weeds to tend to!


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