
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

No more spots at the plots, playing cupid & weeds

It's been about six days since the initial spraying of the spots at the far, so good! I haven't found any more spots on any of the tomato plants! I'm going to keep a close eye on them though!

When I was at the plots on Sunday I spotted this.

Yep, the first female zucchini flower! Yesterday the flower had opened and I decided to take things in to my own hands. The male flower was still viable so I did a little hand pollinating. "The Italian" said I wasn't playing cupid...I was the Madame!

The cantaloupe are growing pretty fast. I put the melons and squash in a bit late over there.

Here they are on Saturday

and here they are on Sunday. I finally had the time to put the netting up. I did tie them a little here and there to start training them to climb the netting.

Look at those weeds and grass in the paths.....they grow a couple of inches a day!

The Little Marvel shelling peas are producing really well now. Most of the first planting had rotted and they had to be re-sown. They are picked at least once a day now!

The one "Three Sisters" planting

Here is the other "Three Sisters" planting and more weedy overgrown paths.

The weeds in the paths over there are in all of their glory! I have to say that I'm a bit embarrassed by the look of things....but, the part for my big trimmer should be in today!  


  1. Isn't it funny how we are so eager for out first zucchini? It looks like it won't be long now. I spotted a female in my garden yesterday, but there are no males right now .

  2. Oh the weeds this year! I have one garden that I just can not keep up with the weeds. You blink an eye and they are ten inches high. I need a sheep that only eats weeds and not the plants. Boy that would be great.

  3. I too am longing for the hirst zuchinni... I am sure later in the season we will all be singing the "Too Many Zuchinni" blues! I really admire your 3 sisters planting. I tried that this year for the first time, and my corn is just taking FOREVER! My beans are way too tall, and the pumpkins already too big... My timing was majorly off, and I think I will just have to try again next year... Beautiful peas also!!!

  4. Rachel, we are very excited about our first zucchini. Last year the SVB's got to all of my squash and we didn't get anything!

    Jane, You should see how tall the weeds and grass are now in those paths! It's only been a week since I weed wacked's totally crazy!

    TG, We didn't get one zucchini last year due to the SVB's so I'm going to try not to sing the Too Many Zucchini blues!

  5. Just look at those peas, very nice.:)

  6. I will have to be hand pollinating some of my summer squash, I planted a couple inside the popup to try to protect them from the bugs, since my other ones look terrible from the bugs. Hopefully they recover! My cantaloupes are quite small as well. It was a last minute buy at the box store! Ha ha! But they are healthy and growing well! Your plots look well!

  7. So nice that you are still able to get peas in summer! I'm happy that you are no longer finding spots, I might have to rely on your tomato photos this year if mine don't pull through this blight!

  8. Thanks Mr.H I'm happy with the pea production this year!

    Shawn Ann, I started my squash and melons quite late this year. They are loving the heat! Now go out there and play cupid with those squash!

    Erin, If my tomato production is as good as last year I should get about 700 lbs or more of tomatoes. If so, maybe you will have to make a run up here and get some maters!! Better yet, if my best friend goes to visit her daughter near Williamsburg, I'll send some down!

  9. You have zucchini blossoms, and I don't even have zucchini plants yet! I was looking through last year's pictures, and it's really discouraging to see just how far behind the garden is this year. Darned Mother Nature!

  10. Granny, that's crazy!! I just looked at my excel sheet and I put those plants in the ground exactly three weeks ago today. I started them in pots here at the house a couple of weeks before that. I also put a couple of zucchini seeds in the ground two weeks ago at the plots and they are up! I think that you better have a talk with that woman!

  11. Granny, while you and rRobin are at it, give her a piece of my mind too! no squash or zucchini polinated, deer muching my tomato am I going to sustain myself during winter :o(

  12. HaHa! They're going to come steal your little black book if you keep calling yourself "Madame"!

  13. Ginny, We are going to have to sick Granny on the darn Mother Nature for sure!

    APGal, Hey, I think that my little playing around with the zucchini yesterday paid off!! She is happy and growing!

  14. Well, the garden is certainly rolling along now---you'll be DROWNING in zuchinni very shortly. And then I'll remind you of how anxious you were for the first...LOL!!!

  15. I finally got my male blossoms, so I'll get to pick the first zuke this week. In a few weeks I'm sure I'll be good and tired of them.

  16. Sue, I swear that I'm not going complain about the zucchini. We didn't get a single one last year!

    Daphne, When I was at the plots last night that little one had grown quite a bit in one day!

  17. I know about the weeds. My ("Little Amish") farrier did a home visit a few weeks back and was "harvesting" burdock at my place!! He wanted to dry it out and use it. Too bad he doesn't live closer--he can have it ALL!! I finally figured that when they get big and before they flower, I can cut them down with a reciprocal saw at the base of the weed.
    BTW, I had to buy zuccini plants this year--daughter got married in April, you see--and 2 of my 7 plants are producing. One should be ready to eat by the weekend. Sure am glad I planted them in a 3 1/2 ft deep raised bed, so they won't suck all of the nutrients out of the other plants, there.


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