
Thursday, June 16, 2011

The tomato plants

here at the house are already out of control! I decided to stay home all day today and get some things done around the house. Well, I ended up spending a great deal of time trimming and tying up the tomatoes plants. It's a good thing I did! Look what I found buried in all those leaves!!

The first two ripe tomatoes! Of course they are the "Matt's Wild Cherry". I think that there's going to be one happy "Italian" around here tonight! He actually had a tomato dream the other night. He said that he came downstairs for breakfast and I had a big beautiful ripe Cherokee Purple tomato for him! These are not a CP.....but it's a start!


  1. Whoohoo!!!! First tomatoes of the summer!!!

  2. Woohoo! I think I need to go look at my Sungolds.

  3. At least there were two of them so you didn't have to fight LOL!

  4. Does that mean my MWCs aren't far behind? It has grown 21" in 15 days (38" tall now), and has some teeny-tiny toms!

  5. Aw Shucks! I forgot about those little Cherry tomatoes that did so well for me last year..So busy trying to find the Heirlooms I wanted..At first I just planted them for fun, they turned out to be quite delcious.. Those strawberries are pure temption.

  6. Congrats on your first tomatoes of the season!! I need to grow some cherry tomatoes just for their early progress:)

  7. Well done! You are week ahead of us here. In fact, I just found my first green set tomato today. Enjoy! Nothing tastes better than the first ripe one of the year.

  8. Hooray for the Matt's Wild Cherry!
    I love them-so delicious. And early-which is the only tomato I usually end up with here on a cold year (2 out of every 3 years!!!)
    And most definately enjoy!!

  9. First tomatoes = always a landmark moment!

  10. Thanks everyone...."The Italian" and I enjoyed that little taste of whats to come. It was really quite a tease to taste that wonderful flavor. I hope that the maters start to ripen quickly!

  11. The first tomatoes are always worthy of a happy dance. I need some warmth to occur before the green fruit on my Sun Golds will move on to actually ripen. I can hope it will occur someday in the near future (sigh). :D

    I am heading to Pennsylvania the end of July for a visit to my daughter - we will have to connect up and see if I can manage a visit while I am there.

  12. My wife absolutely loves the Matt's Wild Cherry variety, alas we did not grow them this year.:( I love your new header picture and am glad to hear you have been able to acquire so many wonderful berries.:)

  13. Laura, Send me an e-mail and we can make arrangements!!! We'll have to get "The Italian" cooking!

    Mr.H, The Matt's are definitely a great tasting cherry tomato!

  14. Tomatoes don't have to be big to be beautiful! Let's hope they are the first of many...

  15. They've come so, so soon. Ours are at least 2 weeks away, probably more. What's your secret?

  16. Mark, Those two little tomatoes were definitely a site for sore eyes...and tasty too! We're hoping for a big tomato harvest this year!

    Jody, The Matt's Wild Cherry was one of my early tomato plants. I think it will be a few weeks before any of the big tomatoes will be ripe!

  17. I've been checking my plants every day but its going to be awhile before I get any maters! Great work!


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