
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Being Grateful

As I am writing this post, I am somewhat disgusted with what this weather is doing to my tomatoes and some of the other veggies in the garden. I just finished canning what should have been 12 jars of tomatoes and ended up with only 6. They are not ripening correctly, trying to rot sitting on the counter and I have even found some blossom end rot here and there at the plots. The eggplant are smaller then they should be and I have had a few big peppers rot as they are ripening on the plant.

Although this heat wave is taking some what of a toll on the garden, there is a lot to be grateful for. I went to the plots this morning to water, trim & tie up the tomato plants and harvest what I needed to. There is an older Italian gardener there from Sicily who gave me these

Some nice fresh Peaches!

Then "Whitey", another gardener,  came over and gave me this

14 Beautiful ears of freshly picked Sweet Corn!

You know what this means??? Fresh sweet corn for dinner and some more baking tomorrow! What do you think I should make with those peaches......peach cobbler maybe?


  1. Well doesn't that just prove that even when things look down there is always something good just around the corner. I would make caramelized peaches and ice cream..yummy

  2. I always count my blessings in the garden. Altho my garden feeds me, that is a choice...I think of others that have no choice: if the garden fails, they starve. I am thankful for each and every tiny, shriveled tomato, cuke, potato, squash and bug eaten apple I harvest.

    I vote roasted/grilled corn on the cob, carmelized peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream.

  3. You better stop your moaning, you have been well paid for your labor efforts, your whinning with a loaf of bread under each peaches, free corn ..count those blessings! Don't hesitate, make a Cobbler,I gave a recipe on the blog it's quick and easy. and I also showed on my blog how easy to put up corn..

  4. Hmm if you had blueberries I'd day blueberry peach jam. Ginger peach jam is pretty good too. And with the heat, plain fresh peaches sound pretty good.

    Personally I'm grateful for the break in the weather that starts tomorrow. Thank goodness. Then supposedly we get normal weather until Friday. I think I'll celebrate by dancing out in the garden during the afternoon.

  5. I'd have to put in a vote for a wonderful Peach Pie-served slightly warm and topped with a large scoop of vanilla ice cream. Oh darn---that sounds so good, and I have NO PEACHES!

    You have met some wonderful people at your plots. Isn't gardening the BEST????

  6. What great gifts! I agree on the randomness of what my garden is giving right now!

  7. I am with Erin. With this heat I would say anything that does not require cooking.

  8. How lucky! I'd opt for the peach cobbler or crisp with vanilla ice cream. Then again, some freezer jam would be good if the kitchen is hot. I'm making freezer raspberry jam today.

  9. Oh yum you lucky girl! Love fresh sweetcorn mmmmmmmmm

    We had a bad summer for tomatoes too. The worlds climate is just off kilter.

  10. Mrs.Pickles, Yes it does...there are blessings every day!

    Lynda, I'm always thankful for everything our gardens provide us. I was just a little down this morning while I was canning. I think it was from working at the plots for 3 hours this morning in this hot weather.

    Ginny, OK, I am sorry for complaining a bit. I am grateful for everything and every day that God gives me.

    Daphne, We do have some blueberries that were given to us the other day. The blueberry/peach jam was a thought for awhile. I think that "The Italian" has his heart set on making Blueberry Buckle tomorrow though....since he has the recipe out

    Sue, I have to say that the gardeners at the plots are one great group of people!

    Erin, the poor garden with this stupid's amazing it can produce at all!

    Johanna, We still are up in the air about what we are going to make with the peaches. It looks like we are leaning towards either peach jam or peach preserves at the moment.

    Mrs.Bok, Oh congrats on your new chics!! The world climate is definitely way off this year. I hope it's not a sign of years to come.

  11. Granny, I didn't skip over you on purpose. I was thinking about what I was going to say and forgot to type it!! I really think that I'm going to end up making some jam or preserves. "The Italian" is making Blueberry Buckle tomorrow and we can't have all of those baked goods around here for just the two of us. I would get so fat I wouldn't be able to garden!

  12. How nice of your fellow gardeners! Shoot that is the best way to get more variety in your produce!

  13. I think you should make peach brandy. Jane recently posted a simple recipe that we'll try as soon as our peaches start coming in.

  14. Yum, those peaches look fabulous, I don't know what peach cobbler is, but it sounds YUM!

  15. I'd just eat those peaches as they are!
    The dry weather here is taking it's toll too - could be a first winter for ages that we are carrotless - bad news!

  16. Shawn Ann, That's for sure! Who needs to waste all that garden space on corn when your neighbor grows a ton of it!

    Jody, Peach Brandy sounds good. I'll have to look at Jane's recipe.

    Ali, This is the second time he gave me peaches. These are much nicer then the first ones.

    Sue, I was so tempted to eat one yesterday. But they are quite ready for eating yet. We are in desperate need for some rain. They keep saying that we might get some showers or t-storms....nothing yet.

  17. Definitely peach cobbler...mmm.:)

  18. I love the generosity of fellow gardeners - it truly is inspirational. I would be making corn on the cob as part of the evening meal and the dessert would be peach cobbler or crisp with a scoop of vanilla icecream. Yum!

  19. Mr.H., "The Italian" made Blueberry Buckle, so it's going to be peach jam with this batch.

    Laura, All of the gardeners that I have met are really great! We are having corn on the cob again was absolutely wonderful last night!! The best corn that I've had in years!

  20. I LOVE peaches. So enjoy them however you eat them. Someday I will try planting a peach tree again....


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