
Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's a Jungle out There!

Although all of the recent rain may not have been good for some things at the's definitely turned the neglected home garden in to a jungle!

This is one part of the Herb Garden
Do you think I need to get some things trimmed and dried????

Look at this Happy Sage Bush!

Here's a volunteer tomato plant growing along side of some dried coriander that should be harvested and over some oregano and chives!

The Spaghetti Squash vines are still doing great!

This is a picture from my neighbors yard. There are three plants growing along the fence.

I have found 3 more big squash and a few babies!

Here's a view of the beds from the deck
The MWC, front right, is really taking over...This is after I trimmed it way back on Monday!

Out of control Basil

This is the bed where the garlic and peas were planted earlier in the season.
Now there are cucumbers along the edge and bush (which are out of control trying to vine) dried beans. Spinach was sown in the dirt area on Monday or Tuesday. Hopefully we will get a good crop or even a small crop would be appreciated as the spring spinach was a complete failure!

There are still plenty of these around that should ripen and keep us in eating tomatoes for awhile.

This is a view of the beds from the back.
As you can see I did get out there and trim back the tomato plants on the left.

So, is there anything out of control in your life....besides the economy and our goverment??


  1. My pumpkin vines are totally out of control-but I'll be hacking them back soon enough.
    It's looking super at your home garden. that an EMPTY pot I see next to the seating area????????????
    Where's the flowers?????????

  2. At least yours is a GREEN jungle! Mine is pathetically dead and burned looking. I went out awhile ago to take some photos and decided instead to walk around and do a video... the video is 10 minutes of looking at dead stuff LOL so be prepared when you see it. Then you will see how lovely your "mess" looks to me!! :)

  3. Robin , your garden is calling you wow! that basil needs to be made into some pesto for the Italian :o)...That little squash looks delicious already..what kind is it?
    Your garden is really doing wonderful ..your hard work is paying off..

  4. Ha ha ha, the economy and government. So true! I am amazed your spaghetti squash is doing so well after the borer damage! My MWC is way seriously out of control! I posted a pic of it last week. It is like 10 feet tall or something. Maybe not quite that but close! My basil that I overwintered is huge! And I just trimmed back my herbs too! I have plenty to share with friends! ;) You have such a nice garden.

  5. Sue, The home garden is doing well. I just have to get some more herbs dried and rip out those basil and eggplants and get some fall and winter crops going for the cold frames. That empty pot had carrots in it. I have a dozen big pots that are planted with flowers.

    Erin, It's definitely green out there! I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself out on the deck if it was dead. I would rip it out!

    Ginny, I have dried enough basil for us for the year. I should rip out the big basil plants and just leave a couple of small ones that are growing under the MWC. Do you believe that "The Italian" doesn't like basil pesto? I made some pesto with the garlic scapes and froze that. The squash are Spaghetti Squash.

    Shawn Ann, I really need to get my rear in gear and get the rest of the herbs we need for the year dried! I planted that MWC in the one cold frame bed in a square cage as that was the only way to support it in there. When it reached the top of the cage, I just let it free range! It would take over the entire bed if I let it!

  6. There is no such thing as out of control basil. Bring it on. I love it and we only get it fresh for so little time. Dried is just never the same. Everything is doing very well there.

  7. Jane, I always try to keep a basil plant growing in the house during the winter. There's no subsitute for fresh basil!

  8. Why is it that the herbs always get out from under us and then we wish we'd kept up with them better. Or is that just me? I have wanted to keep basil year round but it seems my indoor houseplant skills are very lacking. Maybe I will try again! Lookin' good, Robin!

  9. I think you and Ginny are out of control today, but other than that I'd have to say my pattypan squash! It's awfully huge for the small fruits on it, and I fear it will soon overtake the world.

    Your home garden is sure looking healthier than the plots!

  10. APGal, No, it's not just you. My herb garden is always getting out of control. I usually hack it back a couple of times a year.

    Granny, I don't know what you mean about Ginny and I :)

  11. Oh I looooove spaghetti squash! And I love your rambling garden! :)

  12. I wish my basil was out of control it just does want to grow even in the greenhouse!

  13. Thanks Mrs Bok, I love spaghetti squash too! I'm so glad the vines pulled through!

    Sue, That's a shame about your basil. I always plant too many plants and they always seem to get out of control.

  14. Wow, great photos! My entire garden is out of control. I had to go out of town early in the growing season and the garden never recovered. Grass is the only thing growing right now.

  15. I love that your squash plant is so healthy. The tomato plants and herbs look great too. With spinach, green tomatoes, and tiny squash still coming. You should really have a great late summer harvest. Everything looks amazing.

  16. floweringmama, Thanks a bunch! It's tough to get the garden back under control when things happen early in the season. Here's to next year!

    Thanks Jody, The home garden is doing well and I think that we will continue to get tomatoes from it for awhile. There's a lot of good at the plots too. I have peppers galore over there. Gotta get part 2 of the plots posted soon! I really have to get going on what I'm going to plant in the cold frame beds for the winter.

  17. Nicholas is COMPLETELY out of control... and yes he drank that whole bottle of wine.... so they say.

  18. So lush and amazing! I think everything is out of control in the summer for me - I like it!

  19. It IS a jungle out there! Funny, I just posted about my herbs growing out of control too. Must be the time of year. My pole beans are a tangled mess as well.

  20. I would be delighted if things were growing "out of control" but honestly the lateness of our growing season this year means the pumpkins and winter squash are just now getting serious about taking over the world. Usually they have already done so by this time of year. My potatoes are in the process of dieing back and look pretty ugly at the moment - but that is normal and means the tubers are finishing up for the big lift in September. I dug up a few to make a potato salad for a potluck this weekend, and I had three potatoes that each weighed more than 1 lb each! They were good through to the core as well. I don't think I have ever produced such big lunkers as that.

    Your garden is looking beautiful!

  21. Robin, don't listen to granny , she's just trying to start up some trouble..she's tired from working and wants some excitement any way she can create it ..Mr granny doesn't pay her any mind so she's picking on us..

  22. I'm really envious of your squash vines. Mine are showing MAJOR signed of powdery mildew and other diseases. So sad.


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