
Friday, August 5, 2011

SVB Update

Last week I posted about SVB damage on the Spaghetti Squash vines at the home garden here. So good!

This is the end of the vines where I found the damage. The vines still look great!

This is the other end of the vines growing like crazy! See that new little baby squash?

Here's another baby

This new one I hand pollinated this morning....just in case

and yet another!! Well, maybe I'll get my 6 or maybe even 7 squash after all!


  1. Is that just from one plant? That's quite impressive, Robin.

  2. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that the good luck holds out. Looks promising so far though! I love finding those new fruits on the vine. It's like a treasure hunt to go looking for them. :D

  3. Jane, I'd like to think so...but, I'm not counting my chickens before they are hatched!

    Thomas, There are 3 plants that combined are trailing about 30' along the fence

  4. Laura, I really expected at least the one vine to start dying off by now. We will see how long that damaged vine holds out. I was really surprised to find those babies last night!

  5. Robin you are a virtuous woman ..showing patience :o)
    I think you have done well..

  6. Nice work! There's hardly anything I love more than to read about a battle won against the bugs!

  7. Shawn Ann, that's for sure! The plant with the new babies has not been affected.

    Thanks Ginny, patience is definitely a virtue.....especially when it comes to the veggie garden!

    Jody, It's looking pretty positive so far. I'm going to go out now and do some more inspecting of those vines.

  8. It looks beautiful. I wish my squash would start setting more. I finally had two female blossoms open for me. I hand pollinated to make sure too.

  9. Daphne, I was very surprised to see those new babies! I have a Red Greek squash at the plots that is huge but doesn't have a single female flower yet! Most of the veggies were not setting due to the excessive heat....maybe now they are going to start!

  10. Oh what a wonderful surprise! I think those little buggers knew they were unwanted and took off. The babies look great!

  11. Hooray! I'm so glad you'll end up with squash.

  12. Your vines look great! I'm embarrassed to say what mine look like LOL...

  13. Mrs.P, Maybe the word got out about what I did to the SVB's last year!

    Sue, I'm very please that I may be getting more then I thought!

    Erin, Do you believe that those vines don't even have powdery mildew yet?? They always have it by now! I'm definitely counting my blessings this year!

  14. Oh my I am embarrassed to even admit what my garden looks like. My intentions are well meaning, but by mid summer, the grass seems to have a life of its own.

  15. Hi there Floweringmama! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! Don't be embarrased....I think that all of our gardens get a bit messy or really messy by mid summer.

  16. I hope the plants prevail! Last year, our butternut squash plants had SVB damage but still produced several squash. I think some types of squash are more susceptible than others.

  17. Perdita, I was totally surprised that the vines are doing well and still producing!


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