
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Help Save Landreth Seed Company

Many of you may be aware of what is going on with the Landreth Seed Company. I had no idea until I read this post by Todd at Big Blog of Gardening on Sunday.

America's oldest seedhouse, Landreth is being threatened with shutdown by their creditors. Buy a 2012 seed catalog to help.

Landreth Seed Company is America’s oldest seed house. It has been around since 1784 and is the most historically important small business that is still operating! It is the only American company, still operating daily, that existed when this country became a nation.

Its founders were honorable men who helped establish and guide the agricultural and horticultural industries of this country in the 1700s, the 1800s and the 1900s. Landreth exemplifies American business and the ethics and integrity that built this nation

On Wednesday, August 31, 2011, the Company’s accounts were frozen by a garnishment order initiated by a Baltimore law firm. If this garnishment order is not satisfied within the next 30 days, Landreth will cease to exist and a part of America’s history will be lost forever. I need to sell 1 million 2012 catalogs to satisfy this garnishment and the cascade of other indebtedness which this order has now initiated.

If you want to help save this piece of America, if you love gardening and heirloom seeds, if you care about righting the injustices of a legal system badly in need of repair, then please help Landreth. Please purchase a Landreth catalog, and if you can afford it, purchase several for your friends. Please send this link to everyone you know, One million catalogs is a big number, but with the internet it is achievable.

Please help us to save Landreth.

Reprinted from the Landreth Seed Company website

I know that times are tough. But, there are several ways you can help save this historical company. You can go to their website and purchase a catalog, place an order or click on the widget below and make a donation. "The Italian" and I made a small donation and ordered a catalog and some seeds.

You can also visit their Facebook page to get updates on what is going on.


  1. WOW! thanks for posting this. if its ok I'll do an update to my post today and send folks here? i ordered some seeds and a catalog.

  2. OFG, That would be great! It would be shame to see this company go under.

  3. I had no idea, wow what history - thanks for posting the link!

  4. Thanks for the info. I didn't know this, and what a shame it would be to lose them. I'll place an order today!

  5. I have never even heard of this seed company.

  6. I thoought that the folks from Baker Creek Seeds, Jere & Emily, bought Landreth last year. So is Baker Creek in trouble too?

  7. Lexa, No they weren't purchased by Baker Creek last year.

    Thanks Everyone....Hopefully this historic company will pull through!!!

  8. Found your blog through OhioFarmGirl, who also posted about Landreth. I bought a catalog and some garlic, posted the story on FB, and will be posting to my blog, It's not much, but I hope it helps - thanks for sharing this and know that you're doing a great job in passing the word!

  9. Am glad you posted this... I have gardened for years and I had never heard of Landreth... I got the catalog, and hope 2012 will not be their last. Maybe Jere Gettle will buy them.

  10. Thanks for posting this. It's sad that they only are on $6,898 out of $1 million. Oh my. They sure have a long way to go.

  11. Hi Kristen thanks for stopping by and posting this story too!

    Mary Ann, I hope that the company pulls through!

    Mimi, The number on the ChipIn is just from direct donations. If you check out their FB page you will see that as of two days ago they were around $130,000. in sales in donations. They are hoping to have around $150,000. to keep the company going. Check out this news article.

  12. This is always so sad to hear. Thank you for sharing and I will check them out. Fingers crossed that we can pull together and help them out!

  13. I hadn't heard this, thanks for the info. I've ordered a catalog as well and I'll post info about it on my blog. We need people to help save this valuable resource.


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