
Monday, October 10, 2011

Harvest Monday.................10/10/2011

This past week, I removed the rest of the tomato plants here at the home garden. I did end up with some nice green tomatoes for salsa and some red tomatoes. But, I didn't take any pictures or weigh them.

Sunday I made my weekly visit to the plots. I worked on some clean up and harvested......more peppers! I also harvested a small zucchini and some very small eggplants.

This week's harvests took me over 700 lbs.! I really thought that I would easily get over 1000 lbs. this year with the plots since last year I hit 410 lbs with my very small home garden. I am not complaining though....the weather this year was just horrible!

This is what I brought home.
 I also gave a whole bag of green peppers to a local woman who walks her dogs at the Community Garden.

Total weighed harvest for the week: 5.1875 lbs.

Eggplant -15 oz. 
Peppers :
   Bell - 43 oz.
   Hot & Spice - 12 oz.
Zucchini - 13 oz.

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's happening in gardens around the globe!


  1. Impressive harvest, especially when you factor in the cruddy year!

  2. Each ounce of food is a blessing this year, so very impressive totals.

  3. Congratulations on your 700+ pounds of harvest. Amazing, considering the weather conditions this year.

  4. I think you did great considering it was the first year with the plots, and you had to manage gardens in two locations. There's no figuring the weather though! Looks like a nice mix of things you brought home - I wish we had some squash!

  5. Sue, I can't complain about the totals this year even though I do want to...just a bit!

    Jane, You've got that right!

    Norma, Hopefully the weather will be better next year!

    Thanks Villager, The zucchini have really surprised me this year. I was told that the SVB's were horrible at the plots....but, they only got into the pumpkin! Who knows what the conditions will be at the new Community Garden site...that is, if they are moved!

  6. Now you're making me wish that I'd weighed my harvests this year! Congrats! 700 lbs is a very respectable number.

    Oh, I can't believe you have a zucchini in there. Ours succumb to disease and beetles ages ago.

  7. You have gotten an impressive amount of production out of the two gardens. Well done!

    Our harvest tally amount is down considerably this year due to the poor weather year. Unfortunately, the long term weather models say we need to brace for a repeat of 2011 in 2012 - La Nina is back again.

    Lucky you to still be getting zucchini. I have one last zucchini plant still standing but I doubt seriously I get anymore fruit off of it. The cold fall rains have arrived and are settled in for the duration - so the tomato plants, cucumbers, and zucchini are going down with disease and chill. I need to do more garden clean up next weekend and remove all of those items. (pacing myself with the fall garden work - this week was all about getting the hens back into the garden)

  8. I think everyone had a "less than usual" gardening year. But the one thing about gardening is...hope springs eternal. There is always the next season. For us on the West Coast it means I am already planting my peas, fava beans, lettuces, chard...and I am hopeful!

  9. great harvest. Congrats on making it to 700!

  10. Robin, It's been such a joy to follow you and your garden from the anticipation of obtaining the plots in the spring all the way through the cleanup and gardening year. I'm still waiting on the owner of the foreclosed property to respond as the days tick by. Probably the week before Thanksgiving I'll get notice that the owner has not responded. That will be a good thing as then I will give the city the remaining money for the property and it will be mine. The deed/title for the property has to be scrubbed of all the back taxes and liens which will take about a month and then it's all legally mine.

    I've been to the property a couple times and have started the cleanup process which is even more difficult than I thought but not impossible. It will take a couple years of hard labor to bring it under cultivation. I've decided to go with wide row beds which is similar to raised beds but without the containment medium around the sides. I've started to input data into the garden planner that I have and with just a 30 foot swath from the road to the back of the property, I can have 18 four by eight foot beds with a 10X20 foot patio and a firepit. That's just 30 feet of the 168 feet of potential. Holy cow!! I am going to plant fruit trees and berry bushes which will take up some space. It's all very exciting for sure.

    Have a great day in the garden.

  11. Nice looking harvest. When will you be able to work the new plots?

  12. Robin-

    700 lbs. this year!Congrats. That's a great accomplishment in a good weather year and you had some bad weather to fight. Enjoy those peppers - you grew yours and mine :)

  13. What a beautiful harvest basket! I think you did great this year, considering the horrid weather.

  14. We've been busy picking off all our peppers before they spoil and freezing them

  15. Thomas, Maybe you should weigh your harvests next year. I think it's interesting to see how much was actually harvested. The zucchini have surprised us this year. Last year we didn't have a single squash!

    Laura, It was definitely a tough year weather wise. The weather here is still very strange. It's been so warm and the daffodils are popping up! Crazy!

    David, You will get to see me do it all over again at the new plots :(

    I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get that property! Then we can watch your transformation!

    Thanks Marcia, Who knows what is going on with the new garden location. I was picked as one of the 5 gardeners on the move committee. Bad news is, that the first meeting has been changed to when we are on vacation.

    Lexa, I have more peppers then I know what to do with! Watch, next year peppers will be few and far between!

    Granny, We are happy with what we got from the garden this year...escpecially with the horrible weather. I think it will get us through!

    Sue, I have to organize my freezer and see just how much I have frozen. I know it's plenty!

  16. Congrats for harvesting over 700 lbs, the basket is beautiful.

  17. Thanks Mac, We have had a good year considering the weather.


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