
Monday, October 31, 2011

Our Welcome Home from Mother Nature

Mother Nature gave us one unwelcoming welcome home. We had at least 8" of heavy wet snow starting on Saturday and lost electric for about 27 hours. I have to say that I don't ever remember loosing electric for this long, even on the farm. We were very lucky, many will be without power for several days. Boy, we are definitely looking into solar panels, sooner rather then later. We really don't like being dependent on a utility company like this. Jane, I was thinking about you!

Saturday afternoon everything started looking like this. The electric went out, we headed to "The Italian's" parents. His cousin was up from North Carolina for a visit.

We had a wonderful lantern lit dinner of pasta, chicken, mashed potatoes and beans cooked on the gas stove top.

Sunday morning I got out the camp stove, made coffee and tea and then headed out for a walk around the block. I can't wait to get our much needed new stove. It's going to be dual fuel.

All of the following pictures are from a walk around one block. The damage is just amazing. Almost every home had major damage to trees.

As you can see from the pictures, the leaves are still on the trees and most haven't even started to change color. When I got home, we had a nice camping breakfast of eggs and toast.

It was quite warm and the snow was quickly melting. I attached the cold frame tops, cleared off the melting snow and opened them up.

You can see from this picture, just how heavy the snow was. The weight pulled the sides in on the squirrel barricaded garlic bed.

It looks like the weather is going to return to normal for this time of the year.....hopefully, it will stay that way for awhile and I can get some gardening done!

I hope that the rest of you that were hit by this early storm are safe and sound!


  1. Wow-the damage is incredible. It's amazing what a difference a snow makes if there are still leaves on the trees. Glad you're safe.

  2. Wow! Your pictures are something else. I'd heard/read that the Great Lakes region is going to get POUNDED this winter. (La Nina?) Get that stove in quick!

  3. Sue, We were amazed at all the damage! When we drove to my in-laws we saw many trees lying on cars. The streets of our city is lines with beautiful big old trees.

    Tami, It was something. Everything is closed today due to power outages. Yes, we really need that new stove!

  4. Wow! You really got a lot of snow. It was such a heavy snow too. I couldn't believe how the trees and bushes were bent over with the weight. We lost electricity for only about 12 hours and some of that time I was sleeping. It can be a PIA. Glad you are ok.

  5. Robin - welcome home! I like your new look; perfect for the season. I trust you had a good vacation in New Orleans. Sorry to hear of the storm damage. We lucked out and had light snow, sleet but mostly rain here. This morning we had our first hard frost. Strange weather.

  6. Wow your leaves are still Green! Thank goodness it warmed up fast and it all disappeared. I love the lamp lighted dinner table, very warm and inviting. My kind of table ;)

  7. Rachel, Yes we did...and yes it is a PIA! It was very cold last night so there is still about 3-4 inches of snow on the ground in many places.

    Thanks Marcia, I changed the page this morning. I still need a better pic for the top though. Yes, we had a great time. I will post on it tomorrow.

    Jane, All the snow is off the trees, but not off the ground yet. Hopefully it will all be gone tomorrow.

  8. Living in NC these last 11 years I've almost forgotten how rough snow can be on the trees, homes etc. Here the big threat is ice..everything comes to a standstill.
    Be careful walking with wires down etc.

  9. It's always eye-opening when the electricity goes out to find just how much we depend on that invisible power. So sorry you had such damage, and that you had to go through so many hours without electricity. I hope everything melts quickly, and your area gets back to normal soon. The clean up looks like it will take days!

  10. I hope that snow doesn't head our way.

    Snow on leafy trees is a recipe for disaster

  11. wow that was quite the snow storm you got! I looks like it did more damage than the hurricane!

  12. It's hard to imagine that a heavy snow could do that to plants. Wow. Your dinner pic looks really nice....and delicious. Happy Halloween!!

  13. Ginny, I'm still playing catch up between being away and loosing electric. We have family and friends that will be without electric until Thursday or Friday. It looks like we just might be opening up a boarding house for a few days!!

    HolleyG, It's really amazing what loosing power does. We are very lucky to be up and running...and without damage to our property!!

    Sue, I have never seen such a heavy snow with leaves on the trees. It's definitely a disaster out there!

    Mrs.P, The damage was ten times worse then the hurricane!!

    Rohrerbot, Our dinner was lovely and delicious too!

  14. The table looks great, the storm not so much :)

  15. wow, what a mess! Hope your garden recovers well.

  16. Hey Dan, That storm really caused a lot of damage.

    Shawn Ann, It was a huge mess! The city already has our area cleaned up! They were very quick getting things taken care of. The electric company...not so much. There are still 100,000. people without power!

  17. While I would have expected the leaves to be still be still largely on the trees - I am amazed they are still do green?! All of our trees are brilliant colors at teh moment and in the process of losing leaves. Is this a late year for leaf color change for you?

    My daughter kept me updated with texts and photos so I felt like I lived through it all right there with you all! LOL!

  18. Laura, Yes, it is late for most of the leaves to still be green. We hadn't even had a frost yet!


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