
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard........10/20/2011

This post went up early since we are on an airplane headed for New Orleans! I will check in and respond later today after we are settled in. Due to our vacation, next Thursday Jody at Spring Garden Acre will be hosting Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard.

 I will try to post a couple of times this week with some happenings and great food from New Orleans!

This past week I confiscated some nice green tomatoes from next door. I used those tomatoes along with some green tomatoes that I had to make this Green Tomato Salsa. Diana at Voice in the Garden, gave me this recipe. Thanks's Diana!! I only made about a 1/4 recipe since I didn't have enough green tomatoes for a whole batch. We were also out of fresh cilantro. So we will just add some when we open a jar.

This Salsa is very good and a nice change from the traditional salsa that I make!

Green Tomato Salsa to Can from Diana's kitchen

  •  3 TB Extra Virgin olive oil
  • 11 lbs green tomatoes, chopped
  • 3 extra large sweet onions, chopped
  • 3 sweet red peppers, chopped
  • 3 sweet green peppers, chopped
  • 4 jalapeƱo peppers, seeds removed, finely chopped (+/- according to personal taste)
  • 8 large garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 2 TB sea salt
  • 1/2 TB black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp Cayenne pepper (or more to taste)
  • 1 tsp Cumin
  • 1/4 cup lime juice
  • 1/4 cup white vinegar
  • 1 TB raw honey
  1. Add olive oil to an extra large kettle and heat on medium.
  2. Add tomatoes, onions, peppers and stir.
  3. Add and combine the remainder of the ingredients. Mix well, heat slowly to simmer, and cook uncovered for 25-30 minutes or until it reaches the consistency you prefer. Stir frequently and be careful of the temperature so as not to burn the mixture.
  4. Ladle the hot simmering salsa into hot sterilized pint jars (or quarts), and fill to within 1/2 inch from top.
  5. Wipe jar rims with a clean cloth.
  6. Place sterilized flat lid on the jar and adjust the ring.
  7. Place in a boiling water bath; water should cover the lids by about an inch. Bring the water back to boiling and process for 15-20 minutes.
 I hope that I get to see a lot of goodies posted later today!


  1. That looks good, I'll bookmark it for about 6 months time when our (hopefully bumper) crop will be finishing up. Hope you have a lovely time in New Orleans

  2. Robin - have a good relaxing trip to your favorite vacation spot.

  3. Robin have seen several using green tomatoes for salsa. Not much on green tomatoes but may try this another year.

    Enjoy your vacation.

  4. Hum, never thought of salsa with green tomatoes. I will have to try that sometimes. Thanks for the recipe

  5. Never tried green tomato salsa, sounds interesting. I'm going to try and make a green tomato chutney with some of ours. Hope you have a great trip!

  6. You will have to report back on how tasty this is. Always looking for good options for that last bit of green tomatoes.

    Have a great time on vacation.

  7. You will have to report back on how tasty this is. Always looking for good options for that last bit of green tomatoes.

    Have a great time on vacation.

  8. This is perfect timing! I just pulled my tomatoes yesterday and was going to turn all the green ones into salsa today. I didn't have a recipe, but now I do. Thanks!

    Have fun on vacation!

  9. I'm pulling the tomatoes out later today...thanks for the green tomato recipe!

    Enjoy New Orleans! My husband and I love it! Our daughter and her family used to live there and we always looked forward to the visits!

  10. Have a wonderful time in NOLA! My taste buds are salivating!

  11. I think Belle will like to try that recipe more than your pickled one. I know she's trying to think of something. Enjoy your vacation!

  12. That looks really good, Robin ... and I don't have any green tomatoes to make a batch with! Mine are all ripe now ... oh, well year. I have a recipe for Cream of Chanterelle Mushroom Soup posted today as well as directions for canning chanterelles in chicken broth ... hope you like it :)

  13. Sorry - on my first link I linked to the wrong post - only just realised it now....apologies but glad the beetroot rasam was of interest to people - just not very preserve like.

  14. Wish I had enough green tomatoes to make your salsa. It looks tasty!

  15. Alas, my tomatoes are dead... dead to me now! But that looks interesting. I am certain I could use more salsa. Ah well...

    Have a great time in NOLA. I have a good friend down there working at Loyola U NO. It's his birthday soon, so watch out for a cigar-smoking young Pennsylvanian celebrating!

  16. Thanks to all of you for joining in this week! I have read all of your posts....but, for some reason our travel computer will not let me comment on some of them.

    Ali, I think that we have seen a few cigar-smoking people celebrating already!

  17. I hope you are having a wonderful vacation. I never thought to make green tomato salsa. What does it taste like?

  18. Robin, we just picked the last of the tomatoes! in the garden yesterday, so guess what I'll be doing tomorrow. We hope you are having a splendid time.

  19. Hi!

    I hope you're having an awesome week! I thought you might like this infographic I helped build about the health, mental, and financial benefits of gardening (

    If you think your readers would like it too, please feel free to use it on The Gardener of Eden blog. There's code at the bottom of our post that makes it super easy to post on your blog. It's all free (of course). If you have any questions about posting it, let me know and I'll try to help.

    I don't know where else to contact you so I just posted a comment here. :)


    ~ Janey

  20. I hope you're having a wonderful time in New Orleans while I'm stuck here at work! :( LOL.

  21. Just found you via GrafixMuse. That sounds like a wonderful recipe. I am going to bookmark it! --Shanon

  22. Thanks for the recipe, we are drowning in green tomatoes this years so I think we will give this a try.


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