
Monday, November 14, 2011

Harvest Monday...................11/14/2011

This past week I harvested the remaining leeks from both gardens. There were two leeks left in one of the beds at home and four leeks left at the plots. They aren't all that big....but, they will make a nice soup!

Normally a lot of the leeks are left in the garden to harvest over the winter. This year due to bad planning on my part at the home garden and the weather....all of them are now out of the ground.

Note: We are going away for most of the day. So, I may not get to respond to your comment or visit your blog until tomorrow.

Total weighed Harvest: 1.25 lbs of Leeks

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in Veggie Gardens around the Globe!!


  1. Hmmm...I was imagining leek grill together with chicken yakitori. Your leeks look nice made me imagine lots way to enjoy them.

  2. After trying leeks for the first time this weekend, I can safely say that this is not something that will be grown in my garden :(

  3. Those young leeks look delicious. What is left growing at the garden plots now?

  4. Some leeks are better than none :o) Maybe in the Spring I'll try some too.

  5. Your leeks look luscious. I have some leek seeds that I was given this past spring but I forgot to plant them. Is it too late to plant them now for harvesting next fall?

  6. HA! your leeks are giant compared to my infants!

  7. Your leeks are lovely. I have to dig through the seed boxes and see if I have any more seeds. If not I'll just wait until next year. I have plenty of onion seeds to plant instead!

  8. Leeks look good. I love them but am still trying to conquer the art of growing onions but maybe I should try leeks instead.

  9. Lovely leeks. They are about twice the size of what i was able to harvest!

  10. I left a few in my garden this year since you had said you have had success with it. I cant wait to see how they fare the winter. It would be much better to leave them in the garden than store them in the root cellar.

  11. Beautiful big leeks, what's your secret? I haven't been able to or have the patience to grow them this big. Maybe I should try again next year.

  12. Your leeks are lovely. I am thinking braising them in broth until tender. Going to harvest some tomorrow and do just that. They are so sweet after a frost.

  13. Yummy looking leeks. Leek and potato soup, leeks frizzled in butter, oh my, so many ways. Mine are struggling along, little finger-sized babies. I have better luck with onions than leeks.

  14. Such good lookin' leeks! The squash pic in your new banner looks great!

  15. MKGirl, That sounds wonderful! They are great to cook with.

    Becky, Sorry to hear that your first leek experience was not a good one. Have you ever tried Leek & Potato soup? I'm sure you would like it. Leeks can be great to cook with.

    Laura, The only thing left at the plots are some Broccoli & Cauliflower plants that were attacked by the groundhog. I'm not counting on anything from them....but, you you never know!

    Ginny, Leeks take quite a while to grow. You have to start them early.

    Hi Howard, I'm not sure what zone you live in. Here, I start them inside in February and plant them outside in April. They are usually ready in the fall. This year some of mine were ready late in the summer.

    Barbie, So I guess you have baby leeks! Just leave them in the garden. They will grow.

    Thanks Mary, Hopefully you'll find some seeds....if not, the onions will have to do!

    Wilderness, I think that leeks are much easier to grow then onions. I only grew onions from seed one time. They were the worst onions that I ever grew.

    Mrs.P, Maybe you need to start your leeks a little earlier inside. They are slow growers!

    Jane, I have always left my leeks in the ground. I would just wait for a warm enough day to dig some out of the snow.

    Mac, Leeks have always grown very well for me. Maybe it's the variety you are growing or lack of patience!

    Norma, Yes they are. We love cooking with leeks!

    Lou, I have better luck with leeks then onions. Oh well, we can't be good at growing everything....although it is every gardeners dream!

    Thanks Perdita, I'm happy to hear that you like the pic. I'm really don't like it all that much....but, it was the only fall gardening pic that I had.

  16. We have a few leeks left in our garden. We haven't decided what to do with them. Will they grow larger in the spring if we leave them?

  17. Jody, I really don't know. I usually leave mine in the ground and harvest them during the winter.

  18. Beautiful leeks. I really have to learn about more veggies that I can harvest in the early winter. I hadn't thought of leeks.

  19. Daphne, Leeks take a long time to grow. But they are easy, very tasty and usually can stay in the garden to harvest during the winter.

  20. Hi! I'm a new follower. :) Your leeks look great! I've never grown them before but I am considering it next year.



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