
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday's Christmas Kitchen Cupboard.......12/22/2011

As many of you know, I do a lot of baking for the Holidays. This year I did not do a single post on Holiday baking!

So, I decided for Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard. I would post some pictures of what I have been baking, a recipe or two and links to previous posts with some of the other recipes.

A post including two favorites around here, Chinese Christmas Cookies and Pecan Squares can be found here.

Chinese Christmas Cookies

Here we have from top to bottom: Snowballs (recipe below), Pecan Squares (recipe at link above) & Almond Crescents (recipe is also below).

A post with my favorite Holiday treat, Nanaimo Bars can be found here.
Oh boy....these babies are good and just a wee bit fattening!!!

This is a new cookie for me this year. Lynda at Cortina Creek Farms posted this recipe here. When I saw these cookies, I knew that I had to try the recipe with many of our homemade jams and jellies.

Aren't these just Beautiful?? Thanks Lynda!

I also made traditional Chocolate Chip Cookies and a variation using the base to that recipe.

White Chocolate Chip Cookies with Almonds.
I think that I like these better then the traditional Chocolate Chip Cookies made with semi-sweet chocolate & walnuts.

Snowball Christmas Cookies

  • 3/4 Cup Softened Butter
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla
  • 1 Tbsp. Water
  • 1/2 Cup Sugar
  • 1/8 tsp. Salt
  • 2 Cups Cake Flour
  • 1 Cup Mini Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels
  1. Cream together first 4 ingredients
  2. Add Flour & Salt and mix well
  3. Stir in Chocolate Morsels
  4. Refrigerate for a couple of hours or days. I make my doughs ahead of time and then bake them all in one day.
  5. Roll into 1" balls and place about 1" apart on lightly greased cookie sheet
  6. Bake for 20-30 minutes at 300 F
  7. Remove from oven and roll in colored sugar or plain sugar when still warm
  8. Cool & enjoy!
Almond Crescents

  • 1 Cup Softened Butter
  • 1/2 Cup Sugar
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla
  • 2 Cups Flour
  • 1 Cup Finely Ground Almonds
  1. Cream together first 3 ingredients
  2. Mix in Flour and then Almonds
  3. Refrigerate the same as the snowball recipe above
  4. Roll about a teaspoon of dough into a log form, place on lightly greased cookie sheet in a crescent form and then press the edges down with your fingers. I really should have taken a picture of this...but, I forgot. If you look at the shape of them in the picture above, you will get the idea of the shape.
  5. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until the edges start to turn a golden color, at 300 F
  6. Remove from sheet and sprinkle with Powdered Sugar
  7. Cool & Enjoy!
I also made some labels for the Mustards. They are now ready to be given as Christmas Presents!

Here are some of the mustards ready to go.
As you can see I used various different jars that have been saved or given to me. I was so happy that I didn't have to use many small canning jars! There always seems to be a shortage of the small jars around here.

What has been going in or out of your Cupboard lately??

From "The Italian" and I to each and every one of you....Have a Wonderful Holiday and a Bountiful New Year!


  1. Yum! I wish I had done more baking this year but I just have had the worst time getting into the holidays this year, I'm thinking it must be the weather!

  2. Everything looks great - I think I gained a pound just looking at all those cookies!

    Wishing you all the best of the holidays too!

  3. Hi Robin. Everything looks great. I too have been baking. Your Almond Crescents I also made but do them in balls and roll them in powdered sugar while still warm and then are called Russian Teacakes. AKA Mexican Wedding cakes when done as a crescent shape. Amazing the different names.

    Also posted this week a DIY heat mat which I found rather interesting.

    Have a great holiday.

  4. Last year I made so many cookies for my neighbors. This year I've been traveling so haven't had a chance. At least I made fudge yesterday. So I'll have something to bring to friends' houses.

  5. Yummy does that look good, I don't know which one I'd like to make first ...only thing is the B/S keeping me sane :o) I'm going to file the recipes no joke!

  6. Holy Smokes you've been busy!! Your thumbprints look like jewels! I'm making your lovely Nanaimo Bars right now...I can't wait to eat them!

    Have a wonderful Holiday. Enjoy the New Year!

  7. So much yummy goodness! The Nanaimo Bars look irresistible. I posted one cookie recipe of Belle's that is very similar to the one you got from Lynda at Cortina Creek Farms. I guess great bakers baker alike! The mustard jars are very creative, and they look very sharp. Happy Holidays to you too!

  8. Everything looks great!!! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  9. Erin, Do you believe that I used to bake a lot more then I do now?? I know this warm weather really makes it difficult to get in the spirit. I have yet to put the decorations on the tree....the lights are on though!

    Thanks Dave, I think that I have gained two or three pounds already this week!

    Wilderness, Those almond butter cookies do show up with many different names. They are so good and just melt in your mouth.

    I think that I missed the DIY heat mat...going to have to check that out!

    Daphne, Oh boy, fudge sounds great! You will be saving yourself a few extra pounds without all that baking around!

    Ginny, Just make one and try another one as a treat down the road. I wouldn't want to see you get your B/S too high....that would not be good!

    Lynda, Thanks for that recipe. They are beautiful and tasty too! I bet you won't want to share a single one of those Nanaimo bars...I know I don't want to! Enjoy!

    Sue, Oh yes I do...much more then I should!

    Thanks Jody, Give your gang a big Happy Holidays from "The Italian" and I!!

    MrsP, Thanks a bunch, have a very Merry Christmas too!!

  10. Did not know there was a Chinese Christmas oookies. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas.

  11. Wow - that's what I call a festive treat!

    Have a merry Christmas.

  12. Norma, That's we call them anyway. Have a nice Holiday!

    Thanks Greenfingers, Merry Christmas to you too!


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