
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard........12/29/2011

Since we have been eating lots of fattening Holiday foods lately, I thought that this week I would post a nice healthy and nutritious meal that we make around here.

This is a basic Stir Fry that we truly enjoy. The recipe can be adjusted to add any wonderful veggies tht you have on hand and meat if you desire.

Stir Fry

  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons rice wine
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar or honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon cornstarch or another thickening agent like flour
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger root
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • Veggies of your choice. I used Onions, Carrots, Pak Choi, Peppers & Mushrooms
  • Meat of your choice. I used some Flank Steak and left over Chicken.
  1.  In a small bowl, combine the soy sauce, rice wine, brown sugar and cornstarch. Set aside.
  2. Heat oil in a wok or skillet over medium high heat. Stir-fry ginger and garlic for 30 seconds.
  3. Add the Meat and stir-fry for a few minutes.
  4. Remove the meat and add the Veggies and stir-fry for a few more minutes
  5. Add the soy sauce mixture, bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Lower heat and simmer until the sauce is thick and smooth and Veggies are about done.
  6. Add meat back in and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  7. Serve over Rice or maybe Spaghetti Squash
  8. Enjoy!!

Look at all those Beautiful Veggies from the garden!
 The mushrooms are the only ingredient that we did not grow!


What's been going in or out of your Cupboard lately?


  1. Stir Fry is a weekly event here all year long, what a wonderful use of most any kind of veggie, fresh or put up! Looks delicious, Robin!

  2. I bet yum! After Belle sees this I bet I know what we're having tonight.

  3. I'm still ploughing through all the cheese that we didn't eat!!!

  4. Looks great. I was planning on making a stir fry for lunch today so i will have to give this a try!

  5. Thanks Sue, Stir Fry is always a hit around here!

    Erin, It's such an easy and healthy meal that you put anything in to.

    Jody, I forgot to mention that I made about 3 x's the amount of sauce for this particular meal! I hope that you enjoy it!

    Mrs.P, It's an easy peasy recipe and you don't have to be exact!

  6. IG, We have a ton of sweets around here. I think that I will have to give some away. If not, I will be too fat to work in the garden!

  7. Yum! Stir fry is a challenge in our house. K and I like and dislike so many different vegetables that we end up doing two versions.

  8. Jane, Who wouldn't want to eat all those beautiful veggies!

    Rachel, That is a challenge. We both like the same veggies with the exception of mushrooms. I only like some of them. "The Italian" loves them all!

  9. Robin, don't get me started on holiday sweets. I managed to curtail the extra tonnage gained to only five pounds over the holidays and now starting the first of the year my goal is to get back to the exercising during the winter months to be able to hit the ground gardening in the Spring. With the extra land that's now in my possession, I'll have to be in good shape to clear it and build the fences before starting the garden beds.

    I am down to just a few jars of bean soup and stewed tomatoes in the storage. Most of my storage is either pre made soups or things to make casseroles My thought is that with the pre made soup, it's easy to heat up and eat in the winter and it's something that I eat a lot. One bowl can contain just about all the food groups. This next year will be a year of filling up the larders with winter storage. I have a fifteen cubic foot chest freezer that I may have to fire up again. It's been dormant for a couple years. So maybe it's time to see if it still works. My plan would be to freeze what I could during the summer and can it in the late fall when the temperature is much cooler. The canning would be a result of not really trusting the freezer or the power company to keep the contents frozen.

    Have a great New Year and may all your hopes and dreams about the coming year come true.

  10. I made a stir fry last night for dinner! Sounds a lot like your recipe, though I use a little water and a bit more cornstarch. It's a great way to use whatever veggies are on hand.

  11. I make stir fry regularly too - although my 5 year old whinges every time. Mine is more Thai influenced including fish sauce but not the rice wine or the cornstarch. I also always have chilli in it, and Thai Basil if its in season. Sorry that I haven't posted a recipe for a few weeks - I will make every effort to post one next week (maybe I'll do a stir fry too).

  12. Stir fries are a staple in our household since it is one of the easiest ways to use a variety of items from the garden - and they are always loved and eaten up! I snagged your recipe as your sauce is slightly different then the basic one I tend to use - so I want to give yours a try. We also use a spicy Thai peanut sauce regularly too. Delicious!

  13. David, I think that we all gain some extra weight over the holidays. I am looking forward to watching your new adventures at Terra Nova Gardens this year!

    Dave, I agree, Stir Fry is always a great dinner....and it's always different!

    Liz, It's a very busy time of the year for all of us. I'm looking forward to your new posts and recipes this year!

    Laura, Oh, "The Italian" just loves spicy peanut sauce! He makes a great one which he has yet to share the recipe with me!

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