
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Trying to get a Head Start on some Carrots

Since we are now carrot less in this house. I thought that I would bring one of my big plastic pots that I grow carrots in from outside. I brought it to the basement to thaw out first. Then I added some composted manure, vermiculite, peat and some composted soil that I managed to chip off the top of one of the beds out back. I went outside a couple of times after the sun was shining on the soil for several hours (before the snow) and did manage to get enough for the pot.

After I added everything to the pot, I added more water. It was a bit too much so then I let it dry out for a couple of days. After drying out, the soil temperature was a bit too cold for germination. So I took one of the many rope lights we have and wrapped it around the pot. The next day the soil was warm enough for germination. 

Next I put some seed mats that I had made (Granny's famous seed mat tutorial can be found here) on the soil, covered them with some vermiculite and burlap. Now I have to remember to keep them moist in order for them to germinate.

Since the basement is quite cool, I think that I am going to leave the lights on for awhile

Once they start growing, I will move them to the table in the tool area of the basement and lower one of the shop lights to give them light. I'll keep you updated on how this experiment works out.

Are there any other crazy gardeners out there trying something new to get a jump start on the garden this year???


  1. Cecil has started digging around the garden spots,seems he is getting anxious for Spring :o) ..I'm still piddling at the loom ..I just may have to buy plants this year I don't have space to get them started in the Studio..Things have been turned around putting a heater in to stay warm..

  2. Now that IS interesting. Cant wait to see how it works out.

  3. Ginny, Sometimes it makes sense to buy plants.

    Jane, You gotta do what you gotta do when there are no carrots in the house!

  4. Good Luck! It is always fun and exciting to try something new.

  5. Good luck. I've never tried growing actual crops under my lights.

  6. Thanks MK Girl, I agree!

    Daphne, Since carrots take so long to grow, I thought I would get some started in one of the pots inside. Once the weather permits, I will move it outside.

  7. What a crazy, great idea! I've only used rope lights under big trays for starting seeds. I have two of them going now in the bathroom, with lights above. Planted peas outside a few weeks ago that germinated that way, and still have late lettuce and spinach not ready to move. Last year I started all my peppers and tomatoes, and early zukes. They do great until I get busy doing other things and don't pay enough attention to them.

  8. Good luck, I've never grown carrots in pots I'm very interested to see how they turn out.

    Our current experiment is micro greens. I have a big tray of them growing under the lights right now. So far so good, they are growing well. We have about another week until they are ready.

  9. I'll be very interested to see if this works as you can never have too many carrots!

  10. I'm trying to talk myself out of starting a tomato to grow under lights. I've tried it before, with not much luck, but I just might try again with the little Mini Gold. I swear, nothing can keep that variety from producing! My indoor growing area is so very limited, as the only decent spot is the laundry room window, which is 2" too narrow for my 4-foot lights. I suppose I could set up some shelves in the bedroom, but the lights would have to go out when I go to sleep!

  11. Lori, I also use rope lights for bottom heat on my germinating tables. I don't see why this won't work. We shall see!

    StoneyAcres, Due to the limited space here at the home garden, I always grow carrots in pots. Your experiment is working well.

    Sue, Especially when you have no carrots!!

    Granny, I start all my tomatoes under lights and they do well. Don't you have a spare room to set-up in? If not, just set the timer to go off when you go to bed. I'm not sure how much Mr. Granny will appreciate it....but, he will get over it :)

  12. I've grown lettuce, pak choi, and spinach inside during the winter under lights, but never carrots. It will be very interesting to see what happens.

  13. Oh, I do start all my tomatoes inside under lights, I just haven't had luck growing one on a windowsill to the fruit ripening stage. I just seem to get a lot of blossom drop, so give in and plant it outside.

  14. Rachel, my plan is to get them going and then move them outside.

    Granny, I misunderstood what you said. Duh!! I've never tried that either. This pot will be going outside in a couple of months.

  15. Oooh I'm the queen of questionable garden experiments LOL! I love that pot you are using, looks like the royal treatment for your seeds! :) One year I grew Brandywines in the kids' bedroom over the winter, hubby came home after dark one night and said the light coming from behind the blinds made us look like a grow house and the cops would probably be along shortly LOL!

  16. I got a great deal on that pot a couple of years ago! Ha, you are lucky that you didn't get busted!

  17. I've never tried carrots, but used to always grow lettuce under the lights. Now you've got me thinking. I may just try some arugula and escarole.

  18. Ed, I just started some arugula last week. This will be an interesting experiment!

  19. very neat. I can't wait to see them grow.

  20. Now that is dedication for you - who would have thought the humble carrot could inspire such love. Actually I love carrots but shamefully admit to buying them as my ability to consume them far outweighs my ability to grow them....

  21. Thanks MrsP, Me too!

    Liz, I think it's the desire for good fresh food and the whole gardening addiction thing! We are going to have to buy some carrots before these are ready.


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