
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard..........3/22/2012

I haven't been the most creative cook around here this week. I think those couple of days at the plots and the warm weather has been keeping me away from cooking a bit. I have also been spending the mornings taking care of my neighbor. She had a spinal cord injury and had to have surgery on her neck. This injury has severely affected her hands and her walking a bit. I think I've been doing more cooking over there then here.

Last night I realized that I hadn't taken any pictures of anything for today's post. So, I made another really easy pasta dish for "The Italian". He is one happy Italian this week. We had two of his favorites dishes two nights in a row! I don't think that I have posted this recipe before. If so, here it is again.

Pasta Piselli
  • 1 Package of Frozen Peas or 1 Can of Le Sueur Peas
  • Olive Oil
  • Chopped Onion
  • Canned Tomatoes or Tomato Puree (this time I used 1 pint of puree and 1 pint of whole tomatoes)
  • Pasta of your choice
  • Grating Cheese 
  1. Chop about 1/2 of a medium onion
  2. Saute the chopped onion in a little olive oil until translucent
  3. Add puree or tomatoes, bring to a boil then reduce and cook for about 30 minutes or until desired thickness
  4. When your water is about ready to cook the pasta, add the peas to the sauce
  5. Serve with grated cheese.........that's it, no other ingredients or seasonings! 
This is a great Easy Peasy Recipe!!

I found some wonderful cheese in the cheese drawer that we bought in Little Italy. Grated it and served it in this pretty little bowl.

So, what have you been whipping up with your stored goods or putting away for another day??? 


  1. Sadly nothing this week. I'm on a diet of toast and applesauce. At least the applesauce was homemade. Sadly I have just one jar left and apple season is a long way away. I should have made more last fall.

    1. Oh dear, I hope that you are feeling OK. I didn't make much applesauce either last year. I'm definitely making more this year though

  2. You have been busy lately! It's good that you are helping your neighbor during her recovery.

    Cooking has slowed down here due to hot weather. Cold food sounds really good though!

    1. Yes, I have! This is going to be a long recovery for her. I spend about 2 hours there in the mornings 4-5 days a week. Once her daughter is home from college in May, I won't have to go over.

  3. Easy peasy!I hope we get a mess of peas this year. We love them! Your such a good neighbor, especially with everything you've got going on right now! I hope she heals quickly.

    1. I don't think one can ever grow too many peas!! I think we are down to one package in the freezer.

  4. I make this pasta dish occassionally and it always is a hit. We have the same little green leaf bowl too! :D

    Not been cooking anything very interesting - been working late and have a big project going on at our house which is pretty much disrupting our normal schedules completely. Still managing to cook but it is plain and fast.

    1. I just love that little bowl! I really don't remember where I picked it up.

      There's nothing wrong with plain and fast food.....just so it's not that kind of "Fast Food"!

  5. There's nothing wrong with easy! That dish looks great. I hope your neighbor is doing well!

    1. Sometimes easy dishes are the best! She is doing pretty good for what she has been through.

  6. Love easy dishes, I've not been cooking much lately. Thanks for sharing the recipe and best wishes to your neighbor.

    1. Thanks Ma, It's that time of the year when we get busy with other things. I just love the recipe you posted!

    2. I meant Mac....missed the c!

  7. Looks yummy, I bet my little one would love this!

    1. I bet the little one would! The peas give it a nice sweetness! I just love the recipe you posted!

  8. That is easy, I make a pasta dish with peas and ricotta quite regularly and everyone enjoys it. I have to try the tomato version.

    1. "The Italian's" mother makes a version without the tomatoes too. I like it better with tomatoes though.

  9. Used the last of the frozen pesto. It is so delicious.

  10. I didn't blog it, but I just took the last bite of my dinner of lean ground beef patties cooked with sauteed onions and simmered in my home canned sweet chili sauce. Mmmm, good! I served it with steamed new potatoes (store bought) with a blend of sour cream, butter and fresh snipped chives fresh from the garden. Nothing else is growing, but the chives are gorgeous! Later we'll have raspberry shortcake. I have to wait for my (home grown) berries to thaw...I forgot to take them out soon enough.

  11. I've never tried mixing past with peas but it sounds good

    1. The first time I had this dish was about 7 years ago when "The Italian" and I were dating. It was a pleasant surprise and have loved it ever since!

  12. My kind of dish, easy and delicious.

    1. Easy & delicious is always a good combination!

  13. Pasta looks good. I haven't been doing anything exciting in the cooking department this week either. No time for blogging right now. The one greenhouse has been keeping me busy and am putting the second one up today. Have plants that need to get inside before we get snow again on Monday.

    1. I was starting to get concerned about you wilderness. It's a busy time and this unseasonable warm weather is keeping us on our toes! It looks like the temps are going to change for us too on Monday.

  14. This actually looks delish. Frozen peas aren't my thing but I like this combo. I think the cheese addition makes perfection:)


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