
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Working on the Plots & Busy, Busy, Busy!!!!

I have been so so busy lately that I feel like I'm neglecting all my Blogging Buddies out there. I have been reading through your blogs. But, haven't been commenting due to my busy schedule. As you know, I spend a few hours each morning taking care of my neighbor. Then my sweet neighbor girl, Sophia, has softball games a couple of times a week. She lives with her step-father and I am her mommy, we can't miss those important games!! Then there are all those seedlings to tend to.....I think you get the picture!

I have been spending time at the plots and things are progressing! I've managed to get the fencing up on three sides.

The 4' fencing is up on the left side....

and on the right side.

Yesterday I was only able to spend two hours there. I managed to dig down and install 20' of bunny fencing along the one side. I also turned the soil and marked off that part of the bed. If I don't, my friendly garden neighbors tend to walk on the soil. 

It definitely takes time to install the chicken wire. I have another 20' to install tomorrow along this side. I can't get over there today to finish. I have too much to do at the home garden, there are sprouted seeds to be potted and Sophia has a softball game this afternoon. 

Once the chicken wire is installed. I will dig a trench and amend the soil with composted manure. This is where the Asparagus beds & a lot of the Onions will be planted. I went to the old site on Monday and the asparagus is coming up! I sure hope that it survives the transplant!! 


  1. It looks like your plot is coming along. The fencing looks great. And good luck with your asparagus.

    1. They are coming along. I just wish there was more time in a day! It doesn't look like I will be making chocolates for Easter this year. Everyone will have to be happy with Bunny Cookies!

  2. You've gotten a lot of work done, I'm impressed. My husband and I tried to move asparagus-we were not successful. We worked very hard trying to gently pry apart those roots and pick only the best ones to transplant, but they did not survive. =( I hope you have better success than I!

    1. I hope that they make it. They really should have been moved in the fall or last month. Time will tell.

  3. Robin,

    You are just so amazing, taking care of your neighbor and the little neighbor girl. There is nothing better than helping out others. The community garden is moving along just fine. I see you've been a very busy person putting up the fence and the chicken wire. Now it's on to the compost and transplanting your asparagus. When do you find time for yourself?

    1. There isn't much (any) me time right now. We are going to New Orleans in May for a week. So, everything has to be done and in the ground before we leave. Then I can relax, eat, drink, listen to music and be merry!!

  4. Great job, Robin!
    I believe setting up fencing is a tough job! Because you have to drive piles thoroughly to let it stand against strong wind.
    I'm also getting busy in preparing for planting and cultivating as spring is coming.

    1. Thanks!!! It's definitely a busy time of the year for us gardeners!!!

  5. At least at the moment you will be able to spot any bunnies on the wrong side of the fence!

    1. Ha ha!! You are correct!! Hopefully they won't like the asparagus or onions!!

  6. looking great! I would love to transplant my asparagus so I hope yours does well!

    1. Thanks MrsP! It's probably a good time for you to move yours now.

  7. Your plot is looking great. It can be so hard to bunny proof a garden. I moved my asparagus last fall from the old house to our new house. Yesterday I had baby asparagus coming up in the bed. Just take your time and they should be fine! Good luck!

    1. Thanks for all your encouragement Christy. I sure hope the asparagus survives the move. There was another gardener there yesterday moving their asparagus.

      I've gotten pretty good at bunny & squirrel proofing things the past few years. City bunnies and squirrels are just horrible to control. We have some fox down near the new site. Hopefully they will keep the bunny population down.

  8. We all have those seasons in life where some things have to be put aside to concentrate on others, and you certainly have your hands full! Plots are coming along nicely! Are you having the same cold front for the next week we are? I'll be able to do more of the hard work stuff due to the cold and have to put off planting work for at least another week, ugh...!

    1. Yes, I am a little busy as are you! We are having cooler weather, which is good for transplanting and getting some of the hard labor done. Boy, your tomatoes are going to be huge by the time you get them in the ground!!! I started my stuff a little later due to this move.

  9. Oh Robin, you're fencing job is outstanding. How deep did you bury the fence? We have about 70 feet to fence this year. I'm dreading it! Could you come over and lend a hand? Soilman has an excellent video tutorial on planting asparagus that I bet you'd benefit from watching.

    1. Thanks Jody, I am not sure how deep I put the chicken wire, probably about 8" down then I flattened out about 6". That way if they dig down, when they go up they hit the chicken wire also. I just transplanted all of the asparagus this morning. I just came home for lunch and an appointment. Then back to the plots!!


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