
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard .............05/24/2012

I can't believe that it is Thursday already! Boy, this week is just flying by! For Sophia's BD Bar BQ on Sunday, I made the first batch of baked beans this year. As I was making them I was thinking that I would use them for Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard. With everything going on, I forgot to take pictures.

I used the Great Northern White Dry Beans from last year's garden. That's the big jar of white beans in the back. These beans are only used for making baked beans.

These have to be the best Baked Bean in the world!
I found the original recipe on Allrecipes and have made a few minor adjustments over the years.

Baked Beans
  • 2 Cups Dry Beans, I use Great Northern. You can use Navy or any other bean of your choice
  • 3 Slices of Bacon
  • 1 Onion, finely diced
  • 3 Tbsp. Molasses
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • Pepper
  • 1 1/2 tsp Mustard or 1/4 tsp Dry Mustard, I use homemade Spicy Brown Mustard
  • 1/2 Cup Ketchup, I try to use homemade. It really gives them a nice flavor
  • 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1/4 Cup Brown Sugar
  1. Soak the beans overnight in cold water. Simmer the beans in the same water for about 1-2 hours, until tender. Drain and reserve the liquid
  2. Preheat oven to 325 F
  3. Arrange the beans in a covered bean pot or 2 quart casserole with a lid by alternating the Beans, Bacon & Onions.
  4. In a saucepan, combine the Molasses, Salt, Pepper, Mustard, Ketchup, Worcestershire Sauce & Brown Sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and pour over the Beans. Add just enough of the saved bean water to cover the beans
  5. Cover and bake for 2-4 hours until the beans are tender. Check on the beans about every hour to see if they need any additional liquid. If so, add some of the saved bean water. I also stir them when I check them.
  6. When the beans are tender they are ready to eat. But, I turn the oven off and let them sit for a few hours. I have found that they taste better the next, this little trick of letting them sit does the trick and they taste just as good!
What goodies have been going in or out of your Cupboard lately???


  1. Oh brilliant, I've been trying different baked beans recipes lately. I tried one that Diary of a Tomato posted which was great but this definitely looks different so I'm definitely looking forward to cooking it.

    1. Liz, this is the best baked bean recipe ever! It's even better then my mother's recipe. Enjoy!

  2. I wish I could eat baked beans. I might make some but it would be molasses and mustard and no tomatoes. But tomatoes add such a nice flavor.

    1. I'm sure you will come up with a good recipe. I would go crazy if I couldn't eat the things you can't right now.

  3. I have to try this recipe as I never know what to make with dry beans.

    1. Baked beans are so so good in the summer with anything cooked on the grill. Give them a try and I'm sure you will be hooked!

  4. That is the exact same recipe I have! It really does make delicious baked beans. The jars of dried beans are so pretty to look at.

    1. Laura, It is such a good recipe....even better than Mom's!

  5. It's been a while since I made baked beans from scratch (bad me!) but your recipe looks similar to how I made them. I'll bet that homemade mustard and ketchup really gives them a nice flavor! I need to make some more of the Spicy Brown Mustard, we're almost out of ours. It's going on some hot dogs tonight!

    1. The homemade mustard and ketchup really do make them great! I'm going to have to make more Spicy Brown and plain Yellow Mustard soon. We gave a lot away for Christmas and I dropped our big jar of yellow mustard on the kitchen floor when I was making the baked beans. Boy, what a mess! Now there is no more plain yellow :(

  6. Sounds delicious, we have never made baked beans from scratch. We will have to give it a try this year. We have some beans growing in the garden right now that just might work!!!

    1. Once you make some good homemade baked beans, you will never eat anything else!

  7. hey baby! i'm talking about you over at my place - stop by if you get a second!

    1. I was at the plots all day. I'm glad that I inspired your great little set-up!

  8. i don't think I have ever had baked beans. Going to have to give this a try!

    1. You will have to try them.....they are wonderful!!

  9. I have a really nice recipe for Boston style beans that are canned. I will have to make some soon so I can blog about it.

    1. Oh, that would be great! I really need to get a pressure canner soon!

  10. I've never cooked baked beans before. I'll have to add your recipe to my need to try list. Would be great addition to a cookout!

    1. Baked beans are a definite must at a cookout!

  11. We love your beans! You brought them for a visit last year. They were the perfect addition to that summer barbeque we enjoyed together. Dave is right. The homemade ketchup and mustard are a pretty darn amazing touch! Truly... who still makes homemade baked beans, let alone ketchup and mustard?

    1. Thanks Jody, Crazy people like me still make all that wonderful stuff!

  12. Your beans look great just sitting in their glass jars !

    1. Thanks Andrea, We think they are pretty too!

  13. I've never baked beans before, gotta try it someday. Your dried beans are beautiful.

    1. Once you make will never eat anything else!

  14. Loved the photo of your dried beans. I have four new-to-me varieties of dried beans that I'm going to grow this year. My Cherokee Trail of Tears and up and growing at home, but I still haven't worked in my community garden plot yet. I have never made baked beans from scratch, but your recipe sure looks like a winner. I still have a bit of spicy brown mustard that my husband and I made using your recipe. Your blog is such an inspiration. My contribution to Kitchen Cupboard Thursday this week is borscht made in a solar oven, using my homegrown beets and cabbage, plus homegrown garlic and bay leaves.

    1. Thanks for posting your recipe. It sure sounds great! You have to make some homemade baked beans. They are the best!

  15. You know, we've never made baked beans. Can you believe it? We love them, just never tried to make them from scratch. Certainly seems easy enough. Thank you!!

    And side note, the photo alone of your beans in their jars is just lovely!

  16. What a beautiful collection of beans. I've been looking for a recipe for baked beans. Thanks for sharing. It sounds very tasty!!


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