
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard...........05/10/2012

I had a very nice meal that I was going to make last night for dinner and post today. When "The Italian" got home I ran out to the store to pick up a couple of essential things that I need for vacation. It wasn't much, just a couple of plain T-Shirts and a Jean Skirt. That should be an easy task and only require one or two stores...right??? Nope, it took me several hours and a lot of frustration!! What is with the clothes today??? The fabrics are just awful and the styles....well, much to be desired! After several hours, I did end up finding basically what I need and it was take-out pizza for dinner at 8:30 PM!

The post that I had planned is not to be. So, I figured that I would share another simple seasoning recipe of "The Italian's", a nice Bean Recipe and also show you what my cupboard looks like today.

You may remember the well stocked Cupboard of canned goodness that I had at the end of canning season last year. You can see it here. Well, this is what the Cupboard looks like today.


Sorry about the mis-aligned pics. I couldn't get Blogger to do what I wanted. As you can see, our stores are getting pretty low. 

Steak Seasoning
  • 2 Tbsp. Salt
  • 2 Tbsp. Paprika
  • 1 Tbsp. Coarse Ground Black Pepper
  • 1 1/2 tsp. Onion Powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp. Cayenne Pepper
  • 1/2 tsp. Coriander
  • 1/2 tsp. Tumeric

The following recipe was originally posted by Anna at MojVrt. She no longer has a blog and I sure do miss her.

Beans in White Dill Sauce

  • 1 lb. Green Beans
  • 4-5 Tbsp. Flour
  • 2-3 Cloves of Garlic
  • 2 1/2 Cups Milk
  • Oil
  • Chopped Dill at least 2 Tbsp.
  • Salt & Pepper
Saute Chopped Garlic and Flour in oil on medium heat. Add Milk & Salt & Pepper. Stir until the sauce starts to cook. Then add beans and cook for about 10 minutes or until the beans are done to your liking.

This is a very simple and very tasty recipe that will come in handy once bean season starts.

How is your Cupboard looking these days????


  1. Replies
    1. The bean recipe is very good and a nice change.

  2. We had pizza last night too, though it was homemade. My husband occasionally needs his take out pizza. My pantry is still over half full. Too many things have peppers or tomatoes in them so I haven't been eating them. I did give away a few jars of salsa though.

    1. There was no time for "The Italian" to make anything last night either. He had a project to work on before we left. The take-out was OK.

      I don't know what I would do if I was in your position. We eat tomatoes all the time around here.

  3. LOVE your pantry of home-made goodies! That's my goal this year as well to preserve as much as possible of my veggies and fruit. I'll have to browse through your old posts for good canning recipe.

    1. Jenny, We try not to buy any veggies and very little fruit around here. I keep a paper hanging on the pot rack and keep track of what we buy. So far we have only bought 10 things in the veggie department and some fruit like bananas. Hopefully we will all have a bountiful gardening year and we won't have to buy anything!

  4. Our freezer is clearing out, just in time to start fill it up again! I'm sure your cupboard will be stuffed before the season is over.

    I love dill in green beans, but I've never tried a white sauce. And tonight I am cooking up Pasta Fagioli, but it will be 'American style'. I'll bet The Italian has a good recipe!

    1. Our freezer is clearing out too with the exception of peppers. I think I have enough in there for another year!

      I don't think "The Italian" has ever made that for me. I'm going to have to ask him about a recipe.

  5. Mother Hubbard, your cupboard is getting bare!

    I am unable to find PLAIN clothes here.......I went into Sears last week and asked the lady where the plain t-shirts were....she looked at me like I was nuts. She said, in a very snooty tone, that PLAIN t-shirts were "unavailable". This was not the first store I tried. Such wild patterns this year. And don't get me started on the style---peasant blouses make you look pregnant if you're even 5 pounds overweight, so you can imagine what I look like. Not good.

    1. Yes, Mother Hubbard's Cupboard is getting bare for sure!

      I only like to wear cotton and it is basically unavailable in regular stores. I will have to buy some clothes when we are away. I really hate to take the time to shop. But, they have lots of good cotton dresses & clothes in New Orleans.

  6. I know exactly what you mean about shopping for clothes. I tried to find tights for my daughter for school last weekend. I visited 5 shops and none of them had navy tights in her size. I did find many poorly made and impractical items I didn't want to buy though. Arrrrgh. Every time I go shopping these days I regret it the moment I arrive in the store. Those beans look interesting though. Sorry I couldn't do a recipe post this week - will try harder for next week.

    1. I wear tights all the time and have the hardest time finding basic cotton ones that aren't shiny. I found them in the grocery store though!

  7. A couple of years ago I realized that I didn't want to be low on pantry foods in the Spring so I doubled-up. We increased our garden size and can much more than we used to. As our upstairs pantry foods get 'bare', I bring up canned foods stored in the downstairs pantry -- which increased quite a bit when I doubled-up.

    I don't even bother with walk-in stores when I want clothes. Street clothing and farm wear is almost always ordered online. As for 'plain t-shirts', you might want to order them in bulk online. I buy the Gildan brand and when you buy a dozen or more at a time, they're about $3 each. We usually order a couple of dozen every other year and we put them through some serious wear.

    I signed on the cupboard post without realizing that it was about cooking from the cupboard. I always do that but seldom post about it.

    1. You are one very organized lady Lynn. Don't worry about signing in since you posted a great granola recipe the other day. I'm sure everyone will love it.

      I should try to find some basic cotton t's online. I'm so darn short that I end up hemming everything! I just really hate the whole clothes shopping thing in general.

  8. I totally agree on the fashion choices these days. The only place I can find new T-shirts is in the men's section. They get all the good stuff!

    1. I agree. Why do the men get all the good clothes? Their sizing is also correct.

  9. My cupboard is looking quite bare, except for the pickles and relishes we've been working on since 2009! And tomato juice. Remind me not to can tomato juice again. It's just not that good with lemon juice added. I am on my last half-pint of raspberry jam, so hoping I have enough berries this year.

    I finally grabbed one of my husband's v-neck tees the other day, out of desperation for something cool and comfortable for gardening. HAH! It comes down to my knees, and makes a great night shirt!

    1. Granny, Don't can any tomato juice this year! You should tie a rope around that t-shirt and wear it for a dress. That would probably look much better then most of the dresses out there!

  10. Within a 10 mile radius of my house there are 12 (yes 12) thrift stores, some of which are HUGE and two of which have 50% off sales weekly. Every once in a while I'll get suckered into buying clothes at a department store by a cute baby dress or something, but for the most part I buy it all second hand. It's super cheap and the selection is huge!

    1. You are so so lucky. When I lived on the farm, there were some really good thrift shops not too far away. I am so cheap (thrifty) when it comes to clothes. I will never pay full price. It's just not worth it.

  11. Ah yes, the steadily emptying cupboard. It is that time. I've only a few jars of tomato sauce left!

    I cannot tolerate clothes shopping outside of a thrift shop anymore. Cheap fabric, cheap sewing, and not even that cheap of a price they ask for it.

    1. Yes the stores are dwindling. We only have 2 pints of tomatoes left! Hopefully this year will be a better year for tomatoes and maybe I can get ahead a bit.

      I just love thrift shops. We really don't have any good ones around here though :(

  12. Yummy I must get some steak from our local butcher here today.

    1. I hope you like it. Thanks for sharing that great recipe!

  13. My cupboard is more bare than your impressive one is. But then I don't can as much in the first place. I am down to my last jar of bread and butter pickles and last jar of tomato soup now that I used the next to last one this week as a base for a solar oven cooked beef stew. I don't think I have any spaghetti sauce left at all. I do have a nice batch of freshly made Meyer lemon ginger marmalade on the kitchen counter though, awaiting labeling, so I'm off and running for the 2012 canning season. Thanks for the inspiration to can and preserve.

  14. Take-out pizza finds its way to our table on days like that too. Happy vacationing! You deserve it.

  15. Your pantry is doing just what it should be - feeding you through the low point in the garden cycle and having it empty out in time for the new season production is quite an art. I have a few odds and ends of items I need to make sure I use up (despite the garden producing more and more) so that I am ready for the summer harvests later that will fill the pantry right back up again.

  16. My husband would love the steak seasoning. Thanks for sharing.


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